Wait I guess I might of missed something in Soulcalibur 4, but isn't Cervantes supposed to be undead or cursed (you know, having purple skin and all). It's really weird seeing with normal human skin on his primary look.
Wait I guess I might of missed something in Soulcalibur 4, but isn't Cervantes supposed to be undead or cursed (you know, having purple skin and all). It's really weird seeing with normal human skin on his primary look.
This would be more relevant if Mario actually killed Tanukis to obtain the suit. Since he obtains it through a leaf, the leaf is more of the killer of Tanukis however that works (leaf suffocation?).
Wait for Yahtzee to get the game, he'll more likely tear the thing to pieces if you like his reviews.
PSN being brought down is somewhat worse mostly because developer and publishers that rely on PSN to make money couldn't sell their products (AKA the downloadable only games).
I know really, something tells me that Ubi might of made more money supporting a third party device than creating their own.
This, all 100%. Alexander Stream doesn't not understand that just because very few developers/publishers are doing well doesn't mean the entire industry is doing well.
This looks fine and dandy but I really miss Rainbow Six Raven Shield like gameplay. Raven Shield was the last Rainbow Six I really got into. Vegas is fun but it doesn't have the same tactical and intense gameplay that Raven Shield had.
The first picture reminds me of Extreme G's....
Hmmm since Monster Hunter is coming out on 3DS (hopefully) the VITA is looking slightly less appealing due to there is nothing epically big coming out for it with the exception of Uncharted. If Bethesda or Bioware makes an full fledged Elder Scrolls or Mass Effect like the console versions on the VITA, then it will…
True, but at least with the memory stick duo's you can use them in other Sony Devices. This however seems to be a VITA only memory stick.
I like guns and explosions too, but these guns and explosions are getting a tad old. The guns and explosions I do want to get is the new Ace Combat Assault Horizon.
I like how all the release dates are trying to beat Skyrim's release date.
1) I don't buy the "They have stated they don't want housing, as everyone sits in it, causing the world to appear empty" because Starwars Galaxies had the Housing system and Core Cities of each planet where still roaring with people. Yes there are many other cities in SWG that where pretty much a desert in terms of…
I think the problem is Blizzard is making this sound like this pet battle system is a big core of the new expansion and people are afraid that most of the effort is going to be put into this.
Nintendo if you want to sell more 3DS's here is what you need to do:
I agree with you with their pricing. I have both 3DS and PSP and I bought far more things on the PSN for PSP because many of their games (mostly their original PS games) are priced pretty fairly.
Well to go along with the derailment of the subject I will agree with you. Granted Obama is pretty terrible, but Romney has not said anything to make him a better candidate for president.
No but it will give another reason why video games should be blamed for everything....
this is the wrong place to start an flame fest about who should get elected for president.