Jmans Revenge

@theDGC: The low resolution textures and poly count is the art design of the game.

@equalsign: Using the PETA extreme method, is it ok for strong military to kill off a few innocent civilians to get rid of the enemy or bring a better good on the people?

@Caleb Goessling: Being a vegetarian isn't all about morals based on animal abuse. I know people that are vegetarians for being healthy.

@Caleb Goessling: I don't really understand what you are saying is related to my topic. This isn't about "moralism" this is about people being ironic or hypocritical.

@kojirodensetsu: Saying it that way (which makes sense) makes it even more ironic, if that's even possible for them.

What's ironic about them making "Super Tofu Boy" is the computers and programs (not to mention the house, electronics, and chair they are sitting in/on) had some contribute to killing animals.

@Inspector-Jones: I never really understood the price increase, there are virtually no real big upgrades besides the small visual change.

The thing that annoys me the most about X-Box live is I need a gold account to use the "Combat Simulator" for Call of Duty Black Ops.....

I'm probably just repeating what other people said, but I think the biggest problem is with this system is it's too complicated. There are so many steps to this process of searching people that it's too easy to make a mistake.

@flux: Mythbusters did do a episode on bullet holes vs planes in the air, though a single bullet hole doesn't affect it at all, many bullet holes could structurally degrade the hull... I think Mythbusters should of tried firing like a hundred bullets into the hull to see how that affects the plane.

@Grimueax: naw there is a little more to it. It's more like Miracle Whip mixed with ketchup.

I better get some novelty Chicken Leg duel sabers or Chicken Wing throwing blades in the new Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity!

@HeroOfTomorrow is lonely: I can say the same thing about my PC because I have the necessary software to keep it in good shape and I don't go to any of the shady websites.

@Niteman cometh: I spent a month comparing the Asus computers vs M11x and here is what I figured out (other people feel free to troll me lol):

I have the M11x with max stuff, but the problem is I was kinda suckered in getting the first generation laptop. Though I don't regret too much getting it (I got about 4-5 months before they started using the iCores) I can see it struggle with games like Starcraft 2,but it is a nice little machine that is great for

@Ogbert: That's exactly what I was thinking when I saw these pictures is how exposed our organs were. Especially our brains, the most important (well in my opinion) of all and how they are just out there.

@kitsuneconundrum: I agree, it seems like they are trying to give pokemon a more intelligent or scientific name by coming up with some sort of weird sounding words but I liked it when the pokemon names sounded more straight forward.

@Pirandello: and half naked mini-skirt Kirin armor

@Anciegher: ha yeah I totally misspelled Sequel haha didn't really notice it until you commented the whole Squeeeeeee...... lol

@Burn7: I HATED the level design, but the combat mechanics worked really well (I had it for PC) for an action platformer.