Cam is a rushing QB and they tend to drop off after they lose a step or two.
Cam is a rushing QB and they tend to drop off after they lose a step or two.
ok this might technically be cheating, but a lot of my friends have moved to watching games. There’s plenty of youtube playthroughs that cutout the boring stuff and can condense a game into 6-8 hours. It seems to work for games like assassin’s creed where you want to catchup, but you don’t want to actually get sick…
Can we just kill off tipping completely? I’m tired of trying to read the social situation. I believe that everybody that works 40 hours should have a living wage no matter the job, but if your boss doesn’t pay you fairly that’s between you and them. A tip is either a gift, or a bribe not a standard issue of payment.
Do people know about Zingers? They’re basically Twinkies w/ a layer of frosting on top which makes them better than Twinkies.
I feel like any town of at least 30k people is likely to have a bar that serves better wings than either of these places. maybe they don’t have all the flavors, maybe they don’t have a corporate backing, but they will definitely be better.
Budgeting is probably the most useful hack. Knowing how much I earn, how much I’m spending, and how much I should spend. I feel like a strong budget is the key to financial freedom. Typically I also overestimate my budget so I tend to have more money left over than I anticipated. Budgeting also includes emergency…
I have a tendency to save the best for last.. but I make a conscious decision based on if I’m going to eat everything, or if the best thing will still be as good if I don’t eat it right away. If I don’t know what is my favorite I’ll eat bits of each until I make a choice the save that.
The hardest thing is fruit…
It can vary from company to company depending on the contract but if you pack your boxes and something breaks (even if it’s obviously the movers fault) you’re going to have a harder time getting compensated. If you have expensive stuff it might be less risky for them to pack it, but for me if a box of dishes breaks…
I’m surprised it’s not torn to shreds... because apparently that’s a thing the president does.
So when I younger I got kicked out of little league, and had to play in the coach pitch league with the kids that weren’t good enough for little league. The only problem was I was good enough for little league so I was by far the best player in the coach pitch league. Despite being left handed I was put on shortstop…
My love/hate relationship w/ Destiny. I played the game and it collected dust till the first DLC. It had solid mechanics but wasn’t really enough content to justify replay. W/ the DLC I started hitting daily/weekly missions w/ some friends. The mechanics of the game had me hooked since most titles at the time had…
Not sure about this since the research for eggs changes on almost a yearly basis, but right now it seems most scientist agree averaging 1 egg per day does not increase any risk in a healthy person. I feel like portion size 2 eggs feels right.
so the funny thing is the cucumbers totally save the sandwich... an olive and cheese sandwich is weird. Olive, cheese, and cucumbers on a sandwich is acceptable.
“was not meant to be racist” Was the character dressed like a raccoon? I could totally see that happening, but I really doubt it. I don’t understand how anybody can put up w/ these streamers? Are you really just a child that thinks being edgy is funny, and found thousands of other children that share that compassion?
I might be wrong, but it’s pretty much only a thing you do if you’re ahead when you cash out. I think there also used to be a bit of entertainment involved w/ the dealer... sort of like a bartender where they keep conversation going, and insert witty comments. Unfortunately all the ones I’ve encountered are very…
My guess is the single bite is modern sushi edict.
I feel that if you were legally allowed to use cannabis this wouldn’t be an issue. Where ever you visit you need to obey the law or risk the consequences even if the laws are draconic, and stupid. If you don’t want to take the risk, and can’t manage w/out your medicine don’t visit. Write to their representatives and…
I have some sympathy for this person though from the sounds of it I probably shouldn’t. So where I’m currently living all the houses are close together w/ small yards. Also there’s no A/C so I leave the windows open in summer. When the neighbors BBQ it wafts into my house... which isn’t bad, but I think... what if…
The problem is that Makaronia me Kima (basically Greek bolognese), and Cincinnati Chili don’t have that many overlapping ingredients outside of meat, garlic, onion, tomatoes, and cinnamon. Four of those ingredients super common in recipes. Though Greek immigrants may have invented the dish it doesn’t have the same…
I think if the mileage was lower, the pictures were clean, and it had a better luxury features this would be NP. Right now we’re looking at a 90k Lexus w/ less features than we’d find on a 2017 Kia Soul w/ the primo package these days.