
I first learned to cook a lot of Thai food. Curries, and stir fry are pretty simple starter meals. They also teach you some fundamentals of tasting, and adjusting spices. After that I remember moving to pasta/sauce recipes.

Since some people might want perspective on driver’s cost. A small sedan is estimated at 46.4 cents per mile (I’ll just round up to 50 cents).

How this factors in:
My current calculated fare is $10 for a 10 min ride just under 4 miles. So my driver if they were right outside would pay $2 in vehicle costs, and at 30%

Uber is dumping all their money into researching self-driving vehicles because if they’re not on that boat they won’t exist.

Nevermind I found it. Almost 1 million eye infections reported each year. So you’re looking at a 1 in 40 chance of an eye infection.

45 million people wear contact lenses, 80% have risky behavior that could lead to eye infections. Anybody have any sources of how many treatments for eye infections there are per year across the US?

Well since the Flash can run fast enough to break into other dimensions he could be used to reboot the franchise w/ a new crew... but I hope they just drop the whole thing and act like Snyder-verse never happened.

Does it have cheese roux? the picture looks like it does, but that could just be marketing. Anyway if it does that’s basically the same as gravy.

Obviously selling physical media is dying and there’s no way to revive it. They would have saw some mild success re-branding themselves as a hot-topic type fashion store for gamers. I think they already tried this and it failed, or wasn’t as successful as selling used games on 50% markup. They could try being a weird

reportedly over a producer credit”
My understanding is Sony wants Fiege as the lead producer, and that was the deal breaker for both sides. Disney wants Fiege to focus on booting up x-men, and F4 which makes sense. I can also see why Sony wants Fiege on board w/ Spider-man they see him as the key factor to success at

I feel like the only way to save the MLB is to drastically reduce the number of games. Personally I think the sweet spot is ~1 per week (30 games a season), but I’m a very casual fan. The problem w/ the 160 game season is that few of the games actually matter.  You can skip watching a game, and eventually you’re

If you look closely it’s good for 3 days. Even if people find a way to abuse it how much would they be out? It’s a marketing ploy to get free advertising from people writing articles like this.

or put it on your roof while you were loading kids/groceries/supplies, or your spouse had a key in their purse but you dropped her off at work, or your garage is close enough to where you drop the key off it’ll start.

it does look like there’s a giant warning message on the dash when the key is no longer detected

I’m gonna go w/ stupid design. If I understand this correctly you can drive off w/out your key fob, and you’d basically stuck where ever you turn the car off at.

better than seltzer water 90% of the bars end up giving you when you order one...

I had a 2000 Buick Regal that kept throwing different “service vehicle soon” codes at the OBD reader every time it started.

1. Clean your taps.
One of the reasons I always visit local breweries instead of bars is because I feel brewers know the importance of clean taps while bar owners tend to see it as a hassle.
2. Print out a freaking beer menu (or have an easy to read board) w/ Brewery/name/Style/ABV/$
I really hate asking your server to

If you’ll eat a hot dog you’ve got no place shit taking spam... And don’t give me any of that pretentious I only eat all beef, kosher dogs imported be from cruelty free farm in Norway bullshit. It still tastes like a hot dog which is awful. Also rope baloney in there also.  Anyway back to the spam.  I could see this

Then point out where I’m wrong... Does the CDC not give out 168 million shots for over 300 million people? How many vaccines are necessary for herd immunity for the flu? Are Horseshoe crabs not being over farmed... are they not a vital part of creating safe vaccines?

It’s as simple as bigger equals better... doesn’t matter who the consumer is if it roughly costs the same they want the better one. If I’m selling you a bagel and convince you one has turbo boosted nutrients and costs the same you’re probably buying that one. Are you a nutritionist? no, a bagel enthusiast? no are