
Considering what Tony was paying her. 

Wasn't Jurassic World a successful theme park for 10 years? 

That's what you get for letting a bunch of spics work on your car. 

I think this guy was so preoccupied with if he could build that thing or not he forgot to stop and think if he should. 

A show for people without a brain. 

Why not this? 

Poor baby didn't get what he wanted 



WRONG...big difference between acting and doing an impression of someone. 

In other words you don't like this show so you're bitching about not liking it 

Jalopnik is right up there with those tabloids you see at the grocery store. 

New Jersey is a shithole anyways

No Spencer's? 


Uh better invest in a Satphone when they turn off the internet and cell towers for good.