I just realized we have Beyonce. Guys WE HAVE BEYONCE. No way we gonna lose this battle… :D
I just realized we have Beyonce. Guys WE HAVE BEYONCE. No way we gonna lose this battle… :D
Yes! I’m 5'9" and when I was in high school I was super skinny and weighed around 120. I could reliably win prizes from the “guess your weight” guy at fairs/amusement parks/carnivals.
Oh no dickishness taken. I honestly was wondering how valid CR’s studies were. ;D
Fair enough. I was wondering how valid CR’s results were. Looks like Repel (lemon eucalyptus) at least is considered effective according to the link you provided above. Thanks!
Here’s hoping! Thanks! :)
I just got back from Mexico and was about to start trying sometime this year. Naturally I’ll discuss with my gyno but yeah I’m a little concerned.
Actually the latest Consumer Reports bug spray tests showed picaridin and lemon eucalytpus to be more effective than DEET nowadays. Might be safer for the preggos! I was just in Mexico and I used the lemon eucaplyptus spray, it worked great! Although I did get 4-5 bites over the course of 12 days.
Yes! Exactly! There are plenty of other reality shows about stupid families... not sure why the Kardashians garner so much specific hate. Probably because their show is so successful and people love indulging in anti-reality TV snobbery. It’s the latest rage in making people feel superior to others based on their…
I don’t think the poem was suggesting wearing purple is inappropriate, but rather, the lengths the old lady will go to with her purple love, something along these lines is what I always imagined.
That’s a deadly insult to true olds everywhere. I’d be careful about calling yourself an old under the age of 40 or else you’ll be getting lots of eyerolls and sideyes from the real olds.
I think you’re not allowed to declare yourself an old until 50. Before that it’s just whippersnappers thinking they have some sort of wisdom and experience but they don’t.
Wait, so you haven’t read the books because of concerns about the quality of GRRM’s prose, but the writing style of internet wikis about the book’s prophecies totally works for you? Wuuuttt?
Just read the books, they’re good. Pretend it’s a wiki post by a fan if the prose bothers ya. I reread the books specifically…
Yes, I’m worried about that too, that the further they get from the plot of the books the worse the show will get...
My good friend was proposed to on the Brooklyn Bridge. Her suitor inititally placed it on the wrong finger. When he removed it to put it on the right finger, he fumbled and dropped it, and it fell through the bridge. Lost forever. Although that didn’t stop him from scrambling down in the beams trying to find it at…
Me too, never take my rings off to wash hands, don’t want to risk it. Mine are thin enough that they dry underneath quickly afterwards and it doesn’t bother me. I take them off to do dishes though, and when mixing meat like for meatballs.
My friend kept taking his off to wash his hands and lost it multiple times before…
I was always told I was 1/8 native american through 4 different ancestors/great-grandparents. Choctaw, Chicasaw, and Cherokee.
Haha!! Is that possible? I wish it were... :P
Well they can expect an increase in crime in Flint for the next 20 years as those children become adults...
Haha I know what you mean! The backlash can be more annoying than whatever inspired it sometimes!
That’s rough that you struggle more than most to accomplish everyday things, but you don’t call that “adulting” do you?