Galaxy Girl

I’m guessing alcohol to keep them up late, and very early call times to get them up early.

I remember Alex designing A skinny girl logo. I don’t think it was the one Bethenny eventually went with, though. Tried to find it online just now and couldn’t...

Oh interesting. I always thought she seemed out of place amongst the housewives. That explains it!

Let’s not forget the swagger of the Countess when that all went down, the squinty eyes, the underwear and casually opend robe. The only thing that would have made it better was a smoke in one hand a bloody mary in the other.

OMG yesss.... can’t wait for reunion! lol

I dunno, crusty formula probably doesn’t smell much better?

Yes! Thank you! Like, wasn’t your baby just gonna drink it and shit it out anyway? LOL

Molly FTW! I loved her because she had glasses. But never unbraid her hair. It's all scraggly and weird down and you can never get it back...

The Westermarck effect. Only applies to ages 1-5 though.

Wow, really? I’ve never had that problem with cardboard applicators, I swear by them. I wonder if it’s a brand thing or a flow thing or what?

Ugh, and also butterflies they give to guests to release. My friend got a dead one. :(

Ugh really?! I was totally gonna do that at the blood mobile on the way home from work... glad I read this first!

Meh. The few fashion trucks I went into were pretty lame. They’re so small it’s impossible to have a robust selection. However, I am not a fashionista type. I can see it appealing to them as a way to find something one-of-a-kind or from boutique designers.

Uhhh that’s like saying “restaurants” are overrated. Kinda overgeneralizing.

The raw meat itself will not make you sick (well in most common meats anyway, I’m not an expert that can speak to all meat and organ types across all animals).

Sounds like your friend’s husband needs to learn how to cook his own steaks. That’s absurd that his vegetarian wife even cooks things especially for him that she can’t eat herself! My Mom refused to cook anything that she didn’t like herself, and that’s why my Dad always made the chili, meatloaf, and pound cake in our

I figured out how to justify endless delivery in NYC years ago. Everyone always beats themselves up about it and claims to want to cook more. I just tell them that you’ll never have as great a selection of delivery foods as you do in NYC ever again. So might as well take advantage of it. ;)

I don’t know, he couldn’t even cohost a radio show, the producers were so leery of him. Khloe did her own podcast just to be able to include him.

Yes! Now that I can afford a cleaning service OMG LIFE IS SO MUCH BETTER!!! lol

Kristen is stupid and annoying. She needs to stop being butthurt about being the least popular one and try to add something interesting and fun to the mix.