They won’t be frank in 2017, because at that point Michelle will start working on her eventual presedential bid... ;)
They won’t be frank in 2017, because at that point Michelle will start working on her eventual presedential bid... ;)
Is it people not wanting to examine an issue, though? Or is it the NRA and their rampant activism stymying any progress we might want to make?
“Taylor played into the bullshit roles forced upon her by writing a sweet little passive aggressive letter complaining while simultaneously kissing their asses and playing within the paradigm, because that’s how good little white girls are brought up to behave.”
General rule of life in any situation is clean up after yourself as much as you possibly can.
Peter Pan was a play before it was a book. I’m not sure if the original author intended this, but I’ve heard interpretations that the “natives” in NeverNeverland were actually “lost girls” that got kicked out of the Lost Boys club and are therefore playing at being natives to harass the boys.
HA!! :)
Thanks, I try... :)
David Cross chided me for not buying his DVDs when I told him I recorded Mr. Show on our DVR. Whoops...
Gauge their reaction and adjust accordingly?
I actually asked my delivery guy today whether he prefers cash or credit tips. Of course he said cash, so I will continue to do cash tips and forego any potential Seamless discounts because happiness of my delivery guys > Seamless discounts for me.
Cute, but... no.
LOL oh man! Maybe you can cook at her place for her? But then you’d have to deal with meal planning and grocery shopping and cleaning up afterwards (unless you can manage to schlep that off on her as payment for cooking for her!). I see your dilemma!
I like another commenters idea that you call the restaurant ahead of…
I read a theory once that woman, as child-bearers, naturally contribute nurturing to a relationship. Whereas men don’t have as much natural nurturing to contribute, so they have to focus more on resources for their contributions. (Women and men both contribute resources and nurturing of course, one just moreso than…
I bet Tori was referencing this famous and controversial 60’s album cover from the band Mama Lion.
Interesting... I always tip $0 via Seamless because I like to give a cash tip (and I write cash tip in my instructions). No wonder I never get any discounts! :P
Maybe you should go to her place for dinner? Then you can escape whenever you want! lol
Kathy Hilton, mother of Paris and sister to Kim and Kyle Richards, might be joining the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. [Radar]
Yo it’s my birthday year!!! Give it up, woooo, party!!!
Haha! I’m not sure if they were but that would’ve been funny! :)
Really? No one is interested in this industry insight gossip?