JQJ213- Now With An Extra Cylinder!

Wow. I never thought I’d see a comparison where I actually side with Tavarish...

Ohhh even more pretty!

Oh so pretty!

I got $350 for my 2000 Volvo V70R with a rebuilt title, a busted transmission, no AWD, and a busted front bumper...

$35k is a very nice number. For starters is basically the starting price for starter luxury cars (A4, Volvo S60, Cadillac ATS)

I love the Model S. I’m just going with the thinking of most people on this site.

You just learned that today???

yeah but a lot of people will be buying the Tesla because its a Tesla.

Except its not. As of now the only one that is would be the LWB S60...

Hey Matt, here’s a screengrab from the group:

Glad im not too crazy then!

From my friend Kit:


This thing will smoke a lot of sport cars, especially in a 0-60 race

But maybe you missed it: This was THE Papa John’s Camaro!

That’s not fair! What if you’re actually into that?

Somewhat ironic considering the law in Florida allows you to use your phone at a stop..

They’ve talked about bringing the diesel over for a long time now. I think it would sell quite well and would improve that greatly

You need to really forget about the Wrangler. It’s not really a car that get cross shopped. If you want a Wrangler, you buy a Wrangler. No one cares about how fuel efficient or safe it is. That is a rather niche vehicle.

If I was in need of a cool first car for high school, this would be my pick! And the price is very right for something you wont see very often