JQJ213- Now With An Extra Cylinder!

This is the exact reason why I ended up leasing a 13 Civic over a Dart. The Dart had no chance of matching Honda residual value. The lease on a similar Dart would run me over $50 a month more with a much larger down payment.

Fast Lane Daily fan???

I mean this looks fine to me! Maybe a little scratch or dent if it hit other cars, but water is barely touching the wheel

Call and threaten to cancel. We usually get 5-6 months for $25 for everything by doing so

Pretty sure that’s not the only erect thing in the car

First rule of car modifying: You barely ever get back what you put into it

Not in Florida either

Where is this?

I truthfully thought it was a redesigned VW Amarok upon first glance

Surprisingly, that looks like a rather decent install

Huh... most all new Fords (and Lincoln) have the gas door on the passenger side....

At least by me, buses do make a rather high pitched clicking like sound whenever stopped. You really only hear it if your windows are down but it is there...

I’m really glad to hear that.. we don’t need these companies to over-expand again only to have to kill them all off (or sell) a few years later.. I’m looking at you Ford (Jaguar, Land Rover, Aston Martin, Mazda, Volvo, Mercury) and GM (Pontiac, Saturn, Hummer, Saab, Oldsmobile)

I think its so awesome that the drivers go along with this!

I... I dont get it.. this isnt dancing at all.

Youd know him. He had a Ferrari.

You’re base model car should not be sharing a face with your midsize sedan!

No! Youre gonna sit down and eat your vegetables!

I would love to see someone like HBO pick it up. There, they could say anything and have so much of a budget

Exactly that! I'm in no way defending what Clarkson did, which is what a few people here thought. Yes it was wrong but it still doesn't change the fact that it's sad to hear.