JQJ213- Now With An Extra Cylinder!

Its been on CL for about a month or two now. He started at $2,750, so no major price change. I asked him before haha, now I do have a good excuse!

Being in Sarasota, I see that car all the time on the classifieds. I love that car. I want to buy it so badly. Its such a NP. Too bad my father will not let me get it. Can someone loan me $2500 and a garage to hide her in?

This is a cool Ford,w hich is saying something because I generally am not a Ford fan. However, for that price, I wish the milegae was a bit lower. Drop the price to around $4250 and it would be NP. But, as it stands, CP-but just barely.

Yup. Our drivers ed teacher taught us LUC: Left uphill curve. If you park uphill, you must turn the wheels left. Otherwise, turn em right.

The TIV (Tornado-intercept-vehicle). based on a Ram truck, the thing is incredibly strong!

I don't know anything about bikes. I don't know what good prices are, what good mileage is, what good years are, etc. This one really is useless for me to vote on.

Damn, I was going to suggest the element...

That is a lot of depreciation...

Oh very cool..I know that area very well... my parents owned a commerical janitorial company and they had all the contracts cleaning banks throughout NJ... we were in that area very much.

False badging. Especially when it is very bad, like the one shown above (sorry for horrible pic). That most certainly isn't an AMG Mercedes... some kid in my neighborhood has a Honda Fit with a Jaguar hood ornament. Another has a Kia Soul with the old school Ford V8 badge.

Central... lived in Jackson (where 6 Flags is) and worked in Hightstown (outside of East Windsor and Princeton). Also lived in Freehold back in early 2000s.

You may have something there.. I have NEVER, in my 15 plus years of living in Florida, been able to get through I-4 without stopping. There is ALWAYS construction, always an accident, always something. Also, for all these damn tourists, they get lost and are always in the wrong lane, trying to shoot over to the

I don't know how much of an exageration that is, haha.. Turnpike is the worst.. always under construction, exits on both sides, these horrible truck/bus only lanes that then merge back out of nowhere... and these big confusing rest stops..

Yo dawg I heard you like cars so we made a car key look like a car so you can see a car when you start your car.

I have seen a lot worse cars for sale for $2K.. it still is driveable, even if it overheats. I would say NP since it is so unique.

The Porsche Panamera has a great key since it looks like the Panamera. Also, for an added fee, they will paint it the same color as your Panamera!

Its the damn jughandles that confuse the crap out of anyone not familair with the area.. some are before lights, others are after, other let you go left.

But the cost of the BMW to the cost of the Volvo is a huge difference... the Volvo costs anywhere from $5 to $15000 less.. yet still has the same if not more options...

I always thought I was alone in loving the Vehicross... I always search CL for a good one