
Think about this...LeBron is so toxic that even Magic Johnson left the Lakers...I mean he is the Lakers.

You know that the Lakers have fallen to the rubbish heap when their choices for head coach are Monty or Lue.  Really?  Those are the guys the greatest franchise in the history of the NBA has to choose b/n?  I mean could you imagine if the Pats upon replacing Belichick were deciding b/n Jim Schwartz and Pat Shurmer. 

“We’ve had three female, African-American mayors in a row. They were all passionate public servants. Two resigned, though,” Bubala said. “Is this a signal that a different kind of leadership is needed to move Baltimore City forward?”

As a conservative, I do not agree that we should all be armed.  Teachers should not be armed.  Our time should be spent educating kids on conflict, mental health and dealing with strong emotions.

Parents, educators and children need specific curriculum added into their core studies that walk through stages of childhood development, adolescence and adulthood with focuses on conflict management, the importance of character and how failure builds character and dealing with emotions in a healthy way along with

I think it is time school officials and administrators from elementary school through high school require parents to attend lectures and training sessions on raising children and the stages of childhood development. If they don’t make a certain mandatory allotted amount of training their children should be forced into

That is an interesting perspective and I agree with your commentary on that point. I have generally understood that principle but do like to be a little more literal in my replies...addressing the original meanings, not intention of the speaker, per se.

I agree. Islam as a religious and political worldview should be wide open for criticism. We have to remember at its inception when Muhammad took his revelation to the Jews and Christians it was rejected. Why? Well, that should be allowed to be freely discussed.

While I might understand the lack of compassion and insensitivity from a single guy, it seems odd that a woman would be so selfish and uncaring in a situation where a child was dealing with powerful emotions.  Looks like the child and Britt have a lot of growing up to do.

I can’t argue with her. I know many have no choice but to travel, and as a parent there is the real need to expose your child to circumstances and situations that allow them to grow and work through things. Life happens, you can’t just stop it.  They need to have experiences.  But, in general, it would be great to

I think the inconvenient truth to all this is that many of the charges leveled against Israel are false and by any standard of war, Israel has used a great deal of effort to ensure civilians are not harmed during this conflict.  One Hamas seems to be much less circumspect in.

The Democrats real problem is their policies. Outside that, all these candidates are so unlikeable.  I just don’t see any of them being able to run our country.  

This guy is beloved by his teammates.  He has tons of friends and a great family.  He works hard and is very talented.  He said some things that were questionable and he supports the policies of Donald Trump.  This is a normal twenty something.  What’s the deal?  I don’t get it.  What is wrong with people that they

Listen, this is a non-story.  Nick Bosa is a normal guy who now has his first job.  He’s going to work hard, be a good teammate and like all of us, learn to be a good citizen.  

First, in terms of education and certification and ongoing education, you cannot beat a public school teacher with regard to qualifications related to educating your child. While nobody expects they get paid like CEO’s, they should make wages commensurate with their level of education and work.

I think the US should continue to stand by Israel. I don’t think anyone wants to see children or the innocent die. Conflict is tragic. However, real justice and lasting peace can only be had if Hamas and the Palestinians that support them along with those that in silence are complicit in their evil, do nothing.  They

I am not sure if she’s right. The status quo and cycle of violence is completely sustainable.  As long as Hamas wants Jews dead and as long as the Jews live...

You are right. The “issue” with interracial marriage is with mankind itself. I think there is nothing wrong with a desire for any race to maintain its uniqueness and commonalities, but we have to understand that there will be outliers that mix. That’s okay.

Republicans aren’t the party of 45, 45 just is at the head right now.  He is only the voice of our policies...which work.  I get people don’t like him, he is no moral bar to shoot for...but while people rail about him, he is representing conservatives by doing great things.  Jobs, equality, SC, Taxes, security, trade,

A few things that lift up our families: Jobs, Economy, Safety...check, check, check.  Trump 2020.