What are we talking about here? The tweet accompanying this article could very well be fact. He may have had 10 dinner guests that insinuated this to him. I have no problem with that tweet, it’s clever.
What are we talking about here? The tweet accompanying this article could very well be fact. He may have had 10 dinner guests that insinuated this to him. I have no problem with that tweet, it’s clever.
As a Browns fan, I know that as an organization, holding onto someone you don’t think is it can never be the right move. They watched Rosen for a whole year. He was supposed to be the most NFL ready QB in that draft, he was taken 10th, had Larry Fitzgerald to throw too and had no pressure typically associated with a…
Superstars aside, if I could just build a team of very good players that I loved watching I would go with: PG Gary Payton SG Allan Houston SF Kawhi Leonard PF Shawn Kemp C Chris Webber
Kawhi may be the best two way player I have seen. And when I say that, I mean a player that you just associate with skills on both ends of the floor. As great as MJ and Kobe were, their offense quite often overshadowed their defensive ability...with Kawhi that is not true.
I have no doubt that after his 8th year, he will leave office peacefully.
If we are very lucky, Dany will give birth to Jon’s son who will take sit on the throne. Jon will die, Dany will be locked up for going mad, and Sansa will sit on the Iron Throne until their son is ready, then she will go back to Winterfell.
If it were me, Jon Snow would die. Dany would be locked up after going mad. Cersei would be killed. Tyrian and Littlefinger would die too. Sansa would sit on the iron throne with Arya as her Hand. Jaime would become a farmer and settle down with Brienne. The only loose end is who is the male who will perpetuate…
So, Jon Snow is the son of a Stark and Targarayen. He was raised by this universe’s most moral character, Ned Stark. As the bastard he was always on the the outside, able to learn from Robb, Theon and the others. He spent much time on the wall under the tutelage of Mormont. He infiltrated and gained respect of the…
It would be ridiculous to think in the context of this show that when given a choice for leaders that a male would not be chosen.
It is quite clear that Dany is going mad. It is the curse of the pure Targaryen bloodline. Jon Snow is much more stable due to the Stark blood that runs through his veins. I truly believe Dany will destroy the city, Jon will restore it and be king while he cares for her in cloister as she deals with her mental…
I would argue never as the real criminals are on the other side. Trump has been exonerated, everything else is political drama. Don’t fool yourself. Hopefully Barr will launch a full investigation into the dossier etc, and we can get to the bottom of this Democrat plot.
Overall, it was good. Unfortunately, it isn’t as good as other Marvel offerings like ‘Winter Soldier’ or as re-watchable as ‘Infinity War.’ Thor was a huge disappointment, hated Captain Marvel’s haircut, not even a beauty like Brie can pull that off w/out looking like a lesbian. Way too much screen time for Lang and…
Trump isn’t burning the world, he’s shining a light on the fires. I mean it is clear that Fox News is the only station telling the truth here and the Dems are corrupt and enemies of this nation and our democracy.
Surely there is more to it from Kutcher’s perspective. He couldn’t get her on the phone and drove all the way out to her house to be deterred by what looked like spilled wine? Did he knock? Did he try to call her roommate? Not blaming him for anything, but this seems a little passive? Did he get spooked? Did he…
The facts are clear and the new investigation is coming. Bob Woodward has even called for it. The Dems aren’t paying attention but this dossier issue is going to blow them up.
Yeah, my bad...but great to know you firmly grasp the number in question. It will be a question. The facts are clear, and we know that Barr is going to look into her. Those women didn’t hand it to him, they embarrassed themselves.
I think for most Americans, the greatest threat they face is the growing intolerance of the Left. Everyone else seems pretty good and excited about how we are doing as a nation, opportunity and the future.
Just as many would say a hotel meeting with Russians equals wrong doings...I would say that the deliberate and intentional deletion of 300,000 emails does too.
Women’s hockey is tough. Due to its gender neutral visuals, this sport more than any other stands on merit, which is equal to boys high school hockey. Basketball is primarily minorities and lesbians, they don’t appeal to a wide swath of people...same with the level of play as above. Softball is great, especially if…
I think they have to ask themselves, what are they doing playing sports professionally over using their bodies at the peak of their strength to procreate? How many amazing male athletes can they help produce to spur on a new generation of men?