
The exact response I would expect from a Democrat.  Squelch dissenting opinions and tolerate only those that agree with you then blame the other side for intolerance.  Legalization of marijuana is a major concern.  When you disregard that concern, you only bury your head in the sand.

We already know there is no collusion or obstruction from Trump.  That was what Mueller uncovered.  Everything else is a political ploy.  

Ha!  Says the guy who supports a party that wants to eliminate the Electoral College, pack the courts and hand over unlimited power to the government...and I hate democracy.  Rich.

The NBA is in the entertainment business unlike other major sports leagues.  They had to build a narrative for the public to entice them to watch games this year and specifically the playoffs.  The narrative they sold us was that in both conferences there were contenders for the championship.  That was the lie.  The

What you are referring to is opposition research Jeb did.  What you are missing is in June of 2016, after the Beacon Journal concluded it’s research, Hillary Clinton bought and paid for continued work without Steele’s knowledge and used unverified information to get FISA warrants to spy on an American.  It was then

Okay, now that is a lie.  A complete fabrication.  Not one journalist or pundit has ever made that claim.  Hillary purchased the dossier and it is all unverified.

Most things like heart attacks, cancer and breaking an arm require care of a trained physician, the use of diagnostic tools and treatment by an array of drugs and procedures. All must be paid for.

Very nice reply.  Very juvenile.  Look, I get it.  When confronted with truth and facts democrats attack with feelings.  It’s sad.  I would simply say that your party was not always corrupt and bigoted.  But, it is now.  Time for you to help change that.

I think we must maintain our civility in our political discourse. This type of rhetoric is unacceptable.

I do not think in our great country that any of our representatives should receive death threats.  I do think that there are many representatives that should be voted out of office on the Democratic side as quickly as possible.  

Yes, and as soon as he investigates Hillary, he will live up to that expectation.

This is grandstanding. Barr got it right, but Mueller doesn’t want that truth hanging over his head historically as his legacy. Trump is exonerated b/c there is nothing substantial pinning obstruction on him. Sorry Mueller, should have done better.

I agree.  They have no composure.  Their style is ugly.  They are utterly disappointing.  They are such smoke n’ mirrors.  People hung all their hope on these guys but nobody in the west is beating GSW.

Are you serious?  Clinton buys a fake dossier and it is used to get Fisa warrants to spy on an American and then as part of an “Insurance” policy to bring about these investigations and this is about Republicans and power?  No.  Democrats are the criminals here.

Ha. Are you serious? Mueller is blame shifting. The summary was on spot and in complete control of the facts. Mueller just doesn’t like how his work is being portrayed from a historical perspective. Barr was right on and Trump obviously did nothing wrong.

Mueller should have done a better job then.  It seems that Barr and most of America agree about the summary.

Names are tricky. The difficulty for me is after meeting someone once, then seeing them very infrequently and not really caring about who they are. That makes it hard.

I think you should wake up every morning and thank God you have a strong GOP in your state or you could end up like California with feces, needles and homeless all over your most beautiful cities like SF.  Praise Nancy Pelosi!

I posted them yesterday.  It seems the ‘Publish’ may have timed out on my browser.  You can easily google it by looking at reports and articles about Colorado and the national response.  Good luck.  Get your head out of the sand.

I think it fair to say that if Abraham Lincoln considered reparations paid and God’s justice delivered, so can we: