
If only they could have seen this cumming...

I agree, but the article doesn’t really address any of the actual content, so I imagine a lot of people here will be thinking the same as me from just the headline and picture, xQc is laughing at dead bodies. In actuality, he’s streaming content from people who appear to have done their research and is monetizing from

This article is very unclear on what was actually offensive about his comments. I don’t doubt that he said some offensive ridiculous things, but this article has no actual examples and just calls XQC a scumfuck with no actual explanation.

CEOs should cap at X times their lowest paid employee salary. They only go up if everyone does. 

Last month, Cohen promised every player on the Texas Rangers a $10,000 GameStop gift card if they won the World Series”

Oof. Am I glad to have stopped working for Gamestop ages ago. I also no longer shop there. I feel bad for the employees. They’re the ones doing all the work and dealing with all the bull. As a company, Gamestop needs to die. They've been steadily enshittifying every aspect of their business for years now. I'll miss

Those of us within a stone’s throw of a Culver’s know that chain restaurants’ cheese curds can be a joy

On one hand, not great that a damn Tom Cruise movie was necessary in order to get Biden more onboard with AI regulations.

Or simply crash and die ragdoll-style-in-a-box because they wanted this car over one with crumple zones

My very minor quibble here - I want to build my own cup - specifically the “rainbow cup” comprised of 4 version of rainbow road - but I guess I can still do that using vs mode.

Missing projections by 45% is not the same as revenue being down 45%.

What if you could link several together and only need one driver?

Imagine trying to convince M.Elon that folks w/ disabilities need to be accommodated, & that it’s a LAW which he’s obliged to follow. ‘This isn’t for them, I guess, & no one who can afford our product is disabled b/c I don’t know any or find any to be worth my attention to determine that. Only my opinion counts, b/c

And maybe put those cars on rails.

If they could make the cars large enough to handle a couple dozen people at a time and label them as to which station they are going to, they might really be onto something.

Loved M3GAN, Five Nights was okay, ish. I feel my biggest complaint was it was a wasted opportunity.

It’s on gamepass if you have it. Basically though it’s pretty much a farming sim style game, with a little less focus on the farming part, more on resource gathering. You go around town completing quests for the mickey mouse gang then slowly unlock more disney characters to do jobs for them. The gameplay gets a lot

What kills me is declaring the accident the result of too much confidence and too little skill. No, buddy. The accident was the result of you being a borderline sociopath with a license and a rocketship between your legs. He should never be allowed on a motorcycle again. 

“Watch This Motorcycle Rider IDIOT SQUID Survive ALMOST KILL HIMSELF IN A Horrific Highway Crash THAT HE CAUSED”