
The first controller design I’ve seen, since the translucent N64 controllers, that I actually want. It’s almost perfect. The gold D pad is a nice finishing touch. 

That scene is sad by itself, but with the added element of the plot of the episode of Fry choosing not to revive him because he assumes the dog forgot about him and moved on with his life made that scene even more soul crushing

I cared for mine properly and it still went bad. Luckily Nintendo shipped a box out for me to send back for free to get a replacement. So, the reason to get more, in response to OP, would be that Nintendo has good customer service

Equally bad, but at least with smarties you don’t have to chew them, they’ll eventually melt. No way around that with Lucky Charms. And Tums at least serve a purpose, so they get a pass on account of being medicine. Don’t like the texture but it will make me feel better 

Smells like a military coverup, unless we actually have the first instance of something straight out of 2001: A Space Odyssey. Hard to believe the AI in the drone would completely ignore the operators instructions. Programming it to take out targets without the go ahead from a human would be stupid and not make any

Lucky Charms marshmallows, its like biting into chalk 

Because Colorado is a progressive state and Alabama is not. Republicans do not think with logic and reason, they think only red vs blue

“You think that’s air you’re breathing? ... hmm”

I’m sorry, but pork floss might be the worst name I have heard for something. The idea of the word pork-floss is almost nausea inducing

prices soar, salaries remain the same. what a country 

Great, now I need to make a pilgrimage to the holy sight of the jumpscare video 

Good. That ad reeked of BS. Choose whatever milk you want, but that ad was absurd 

A lot of people condemning the store pretending like they would go to a yard sale and pay top price for retro games, knowing full well they would happily pay far below that if the seller was none the wiser.

enchirito nacho burrito

Once the price drops, I’m buying. Can’t spend $70 in this economic disaster 

Taco Tuesday sounds catchy, but I have rarely ever craved tacos on a Tuesday. More of a Friday or Saturday craving 

Fixed the title for you

Spoiler Alert: Your favorite hero somehow survives throughout the whole movie 

This is simply not how people make the decision to share passwords. If someone needs a shared password, it is because they would not pay for the service otherwise. Many people pick and choose a few, if one service is out of their budget and they did not share, they would simply not pay for the service. That is no

HBO Max’ layout wasn’t perfect, but the new Max layout is a huge downgrade