
Training them to lock onto a target. They’ll replace the computer controlled weapons targeting system with a sea lion copilot

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Yes, I even rewatched gameplay footage to verify I wasn’t misremembering. Maybe the boss fights have good music, but I spent most of my time exploring outside of boss fights and those parts are for lack of better words, “boring to my ears.” Skip around to any part of this video to see what I mean

I want every brand to start doing this. After the backlash to Bud Light and having to hear a million terrible homophobic/transphobic bud light jokes, I am exhausted. Thought we were past it as a society, you know minus Republicans, but clearly some non-Republicans are still living in the past as well. If your company

I hope this time they at least add music. The mostly silent ambience of the first game made me so sleepy, I eventually stopped playing the game 

This commercial makes me think of my dad. He recently got a Switch and even though he’s never been a gamer, he plays a few games on it. The puzzle solving in that trailer is something he’d be interested in, so I may be inclined to get him the game as a present. Can anyone confirm if you need to play Breath of the Wild

Did the Pokemon binder on Antiques Roadshow not make you feel old enough? We are like dust in the wind. My classic rock station plays songs from my childhood

Let’s not go calling posts on Truth Social, “Truths.” Even in an ironic way, please just call them Truth Social posts.
And for the record, I feel the same way about the word tweets. They’re Twitter posts. 


No doubt their mom’s SUV

At this point its surprising rich people haven’t figured out a way to exploit cars like they do with apartments and houses, renting them to people on a monthly basis. I guess once all the land and buildings are bought up, they’ll be forced to explore new rental opportunities

If this one also changes the color of your poop after ingestion, I will go out of my way to get it again. If it doesn’t I don’t see a reason to get it

At this rate, I don’t expect an upgrade this generation, I don’t know what they are really waiting for. If they don’t do something soon, third party developers will have to compress their games so much that they will almost be entirely different and inferior versions. Even some indie games require more powerful

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Dave: I’d like a number two meal with a large soda”
HAL: “I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that. That would put you above your recommended daily caloric intake”

As someone who lives in America, I can tell you that many of us think the exact same thing.

At 1:17, they found much worse trash without even looking that hard. Yet the city came out and only cleaned up the spaghetti.

Don’t know about those crackers. But Aldi has some fantastic crackers 

I concur with the optimistic outlook on PC gaming. With how consoles are slowly evolving, they are becoming more and more like computers anyways, to the point that one can just get a computer and have access to most games that are already on consoles. They may not be the best at launch, but PC games allow mods created

Is this really that big of a deal? Sincerely asking, because this feels like an overreaction. I am not a hardcore Discord user, so maybe its different for those that use it all the time, but as an average Discord user, I just don’t see how this is that big of a problem. Especially when I have seen people impersonate

I really liked the strawberries and cream, but my s/o begged to differ. It is kind of weird, because it does seem to be a few different flavors competing to stand out, but overall it just smells like strawberries and tastes like vanilla. 

Oh he will, once the flow of cash starts to dry up, then he will care