
I think they should do it like they did Jeopardy. For each episode, just cast a different celebrity or voice actor. Each episode will have a new voice and since its Rick and Morty you can just have some made up reason for why their voices keep changing, like they’re vocal cords got effected during interdimensional

I think they should do it like they did Jeopardy. For each episode, just cast a different celebrity or voice actor. Each episode will have a new voice and since its Rick and Morty you can just have some made up reason for why their voices keep changing, like they’re vocal cords got effected during interdimensional

The reason I don’t like zoom calls. Too much eye contact, it isn’t normal

You may want to ban this kind of thing at a tournament, but let me tell you, someone rage quitting after you win is probably one of the most satisfying ways to win. When they rage quit in person, its even better

Glad I uninstalled Twitter, you all should do the same. I sympathize with journalists who still have to use that app to keep up to date with crazy things elon says 

Luckily the game inside is still playable

I am not surprised they’re attempting NFTs, does anybody like NFTs? It seems they only buy them so they can get rid of them as fast as possible to make a profit and then rinse and repeat.

Hey, do what makes you happy. My friends always joke about how I built a custom computer with some of the best components, yet all I play on it is emulators of old videogames

Well, one thing is clear...

Well that answers the question, “...people still play Neopets?” Nice to see it still has a dedicated community. I tried to get back into it a few months back, but couldn’t get invested like I once did back in the day. Feels ancient. Would love for them to make a newer web version, while leaving the legacy as is. So

Wondering this as well. You’d think Layoff Culture would be a good buzzword to go around the news considering all the tech layoffs, but for corporations its just normal I guess

I’m in the same boat. The Last of Us, God of War, and here I am playing Nintendo games. Just learned how to mod games on an emulator recently and have been enjoying that quite a bit too. There’s something special about playing something someone made out of the love of the game instead of creating for the sake of profit

The word Ubisoft to me, is now synonymous with Games As A Service and Microtransactions. Until they get back to making good, complete games without those toxic game dev concepts, I will continue to hesitate to buy or straight out avoid their products.

Owner buys car and sells it for less. This is news?

The complexity of the Sewer Pass being tied to your crypto wallet (man, that felt nauseating to write) and the tier system only guarantees there will be day 1 complications with the release of their game. I look forward to the follow up article describing the disaster on its release day 

Bless you. It was because of your site, that I was able to track down a game I saw during SGDQ. Hebereke for NES is an obscure title that would have been very difficult to find without your site, so thank you 

Machine learning can be outsmarted. In a reaction based game like Rocket League the computer has two disadvantages. It doesn’t make mistakes and its predictable. A human opponent will not react the way you’d expect them to because, humans make mistakes and also change their strategy in a split second depending on

Back in my day we played against bots and we won. We called them CPUs 

Sir, you’ve invalidated your opinion.

Now if they can only find a glitch that prevents weapons from breaking so easily. Maybe I’d go back to playing it