What’s our window on buying this? Hate to see it fall away.
What’s our window on buying this? Hate to see it fall away.
You should have watched more closely. You would have seen the sack and the pressure that made the rollout and the 36-yard pass necessary.
Yeah, but if it’s hot takes you want, their football program should no longer exist. (Is that take even hot?)
In that division? Pffft.
Go Packers.
Actually, the Onion got its start at UW-Madison.
I’m torn here. Normally I’m in complete agreement with the late, great Ken Purdy, dean of automotive writers, and his sentiment that every man should at some point own a car that he can’t spell.
However, in this case, it’s the Aztek.
Dude. NAZIS.
So yes, principles and all that.
If I recall correctly, he got it from Madeline L’Engle’s A Wind In The Door.
Yassss Qu— No, that’s beneath me, isn’t it?
Anyways, +1.
The Steelers won that Super Bowl fair and square, just so you know.
Whatever to you and your heteronormo unconscioushaming.
Except of course there’s a correlation between empathy for fictional characters and empathy in real life. That’s a huge part of what fiction is.
Given what we’re learning about the relationship between appreciating fiction and developing empathy, I’m not so sure.
Oh, Donald! You’re incorrigible.
As a Wisconsin boy: The first *good* thing, for certain sure.
See, this is why you missed out on that corner office.
Well, that’s a fairly easy one. Meditation time with Senna’s MP4/6.