
nice strawman, who’s suggesting nothing? but since you seem to be full of great ideas, please tell us how your suggestions would have impacted this latest mass shooting? my suggestion? try enforcing the 20000 state and federal firearms laws and lets see how that works.

as opposed to the causality shown by the “actual research” presented by vox??? please. cdc failed to show any correlation to gun laws and decreases in gun crime. fbi shows clearly that increased gun ownership results in decreased violent crime. those, unlike vox’s nonsense from the likes of mother jones, are actual

how about we start by enforcing the laws already on the books? i can certainly appreciate trying to reduce this problem down to the local scale, but what kind of measures would you envision that haven’t already been tried by cities like chicago?

and there’s a pretty decent argument to be made that suicide isn’t a violent crime.

and you can’t just erase the 2nd amendment or remove over 300 million guns in the public’s hands....

and people with cars are more likely to be involved in DUIs.... correlation is not causation.

seems like suicide is more of a mental health issue than a gun issue....

only to be replaced with state laws....

suicide is not a violent crime.

then please explain the crime rate in cities like chicago? illinois has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation and yet.... the CDC’s own study couldn’t find a relationship between gun laws and violent crime so the notion that we are merely one more law/regulation away from preventing the next gun crime is

because suicide isn’t a violent crime.

Why in the hell is this article being shared on jalopnik???? why the need to interject political rants on a blog about automobiles?

such is the zero tolerance world we live in.... and those examples serve to show this is far from some racially motivated nonsense that’s being pushed here. this kid, white, brown or otherwise would have in all likelihood faced the exact same situation.

yeah, it’s easy to support your narrative with one sided commentary.

yeah, in a perfect world, you’re probably right. but in the real world, in a school district with a zero tolerance policy that happens to include hoaxes, it’s irrelevant. again, i agree this should not have resulted in this kid being arrested or suspended. my beef is with this article insisting that any mouth

nonsense. you do realize, bombs can be made from much less.... and again, when it comes to schools/kids, i’ll take the better safe than sorry route every time. kid didn’t have to be arrested/suspended though.

seeing as how underwear and shoes can be made into bombs, i’m pretty sure the explosive parts can be tricky to ID.

and don’t even suggest that kids might try and actually harm their classmates. because that shit just never happens.

given the fact underwear and shoes can be made into a bomb, i think your argument is pretty weak.... when kids/schools are involved, i think some leeway should be give for the better safe than sorry approach. do think this could have been resolved without the kid being suspended/arrested.