
So, baseballs best analyst/broadcasting ambassador is Alex Rodriguez. He is awesome and with Brett Boone now a manager, the best voice the MLB has. Jessica Mendoza would be fine if she wasn’t in such a prime spot. Ruins my Sunday nights.

She sounds like a remarkable person.  I would be hesitant to vote for her based on her lifestyle and confusing family background.  We need a return and commitment to the family.  We need role models who are good husbands, fathers or good wives and mothers.  

Honestly, I think the women are the problem.  We need common sense leadership that closes loop holes on special interest designations, a return to family values and real legislation aimed at protecting marriage, the unborn and the biblical/historical/natural definition of sex/gender male/female.  We also need better

I miss the days of my youth where Democrats and Republicans were more aligned ideologically and only differed on certain points of policy process. Where compromise was a virtue and people understood that you don’t need a TD on every play, but to simply move the sticks toward a first down.

In some ways this is very scary.  In some ways these are the huddled masses.  I think the most responsibly moral thing to do is put the able bodied men through a two year crash course on military action and republican forms of democracy and send them back to their home countries to win them back for the people.

So, he’s restocked the draft pick cupboard, chose not to spend millions on a defensive player that would have limited his ability to mold the roster for Vegas, fleeced the the Cowboys into a 1st round pick for Amari Cooper! all while showing the org that the Carr has reached the peak of his ability and it isn’t

I think we meet the able bodied men at the border, hand them copies of our Declaration and Constitution, tell them, “Try this” then give them some guns and send them back.  We can keep some of the women, children and elderly to ensure close ties with them after their coup.  

I can understand groups of hundreds and maybe a thousand traveling for safety and security...7,000+ strong is an invasion or mob. I think we turn back any able bodied man at the border and have them go back to their country and figure out how to fix it. Any women with a heart for equality can go with them.  Set up a

I think we should focus on abstinence, sex education, contraception and some form of Plan-B.  Outlaw abortion.  Give the gift of life when the other alternatives have failed to prevent this very natural consequence.

I am a two wrongs don’t make a right kinda person.  I recognize the trauma...but bring the child to term and make an adoption plan.  That child could have a wonderful life out of such brokenness and that is a gift worth giving.

Yeah, I remember listening to some black people talk the other day in really good unbroken English.  I didn’t get angry about appropriation of the language...I was thankful they were representing it so well.

The Jenner/Kardashians won the genetic lottery.  Afro or straight, doesn’t is beauty.

Lies, damn lies and statistics.

I think it is very clear that women’s rights and islam are incompatible. On the flip side, women’s rights and christianity are compatible.

Luke Cage was really a flat character.  He didn’t really grow or change.  There has been much more depth with Jessica, Danny and Matt.  Ultimately, all shows have had their highs and lows but Daredevil has been the bar, delivering in each season due to the story, supporting cast and arch.  He saved Defenders which

I guess a few things.  1) Daredevil, all seasons, were spectacular.  Brilliant tours of force.  Daredevil and his part of the universe delivered the Defenders too. 2) Luke Cage crumbled under the weight of its own “blackness.”  What was refreshing and needed in Season 1 became bloat and uncomfortable in Season 2.  It

As a white person, I would think it would get pretty tiring for women who can wear multiple styles of hair b/c of the gift of hair they were given, to constantly be shamed for it under some misguided rule of appropriation.  Whatever.  

“Afro” or “Afro style” seems pretty consistent.  I would have called it an afro too.  Nobody is going to say “Man, she’s sporting a Gibson.”  

I think we can all end any debate over the better pitcher of this generation, Kershaw or Bumgarner.

Devers is a perennial all-star waiting to happen...he is that good of a hitter, so I get it.  But, Nunez is money.