I think what is so great about them is that they are all unique. Pacing, characters, story development, villains. The second is my favorite but I would put III up against any action movie ever. Ghost Protocol was also excellent.
I think what is so great about them is that they are all unique. Pacing, characters, story development, villains. The second is my favorite but I would put III up against any action movie ever. Ghost Protocol was also excellent.
I guess if there was an article about brain surgery to weigh in on, I would. I mean we can all read and form opinions right?
Oooh, you said a bad word!
I am not in the medical field, so no brain surgery thoughts.
No, not at all. 6 championships. GOAT. MJ.
I think the argument against the pre-nup is a bit silly. Anyone who has assets they bring into a marriage they don’t want to lose should be protected and no one should have a problem with that.
I think Russell Wilson is a fine QB. He is talented, smart, skilled, and competitive. A real “franchise” player.
I do not know a great deal about MMA but this “arm bar” maneuver she uses seems like something that should be outlawed. It doesn’t seem like fighting to me, but barbarism.
I hope he feels horrible because ultimately what Chris Mortenson did cast a cloud over the legacy and character of the brightest star the NFL ever had. This also puts a completely different spin on Brady’s deer in headlights press conference.
Nothing wrong with a strong and physically fit woman. Nothing really masculine about that. However, nothing wrong with women who have some curves and traditional feminine bodies.
Women’s bodies are generally accepted for their beauty no matter their endowments...however, a poor angle, bad lighting or just the reality of normalcy could doom a man personally and professionally if he showed his true self. Just look at all the flack Terrence Howard is getting!
Mankind has a responsibility to this earth and the animals that live upon it. Life matters, all life. Yes, some animals are generally equipped biologically to provide us food from their meat, I am fine with that. Some though, some are just too wonderful for us to do such things to.
If every father raised his children and grandchildren with such honorable desires to be civil servants we could truly live out what Kennedy asked of us, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
I am not sure the value of a 1st edition book from 1970 with an inscription that reads ‘Christmas 1991’ outside the sentimental. I think had it said something like “Chritmas 1991, from mother to daughter with love.” That would have been something.
I have no idea who Rita Ora is and yes Ariana Grande looks like a little girl playing sexy dress up.
The Madison Holleran story captured by ESPN writer Kate Fagan is a must read. It is powerful, poignant and tragic. She truly captures everything discussed above.
Sex is about two people from differing genders coming together in a mesh of expectation. Sex is a mature act, typically best had within a marriage relationship where two people have committed themselves to one another. This is why sexual encounters where the majority of allegations stem, come from college aged single…
While I completely agree with your “yes / no” scenario in general hook ups and make out play...this is really one of the main issues in sexual relations. Escalation of desire is so different b/n men and women that I don’t know if it is that easy once the clothes are off and the penis is erect. I think this goes back…
I still have to believe that cooler heads will prevail and a judge with any mindfulness would say that the rules Brady was operating under at the time of the infraction gave no policy for punishing a player and with the Pats org already paying a hefty fine, NFL has overreached, Brady you are free and clear.
I think the most difficult thing about the issue of rape in America is with the population that it occurs. RAINN statistics show that the majority of women who accuse men of rape are b/n 18-26, so college aged, alcohol is involved (whether it be her, him or both parties) and it occurs after midnight. The point of…