An eternal afterlife begins with the understanding that you share the beliefs of God. And that's there's only one true God and his beliefs are strictly outlined.
An eternal afterlife begins with the understanding that you share the beliefs of God. And that's there's only one true God and his beliefs are strictly outlined.
The majority of Christians don't believe in original sin? This is news to me. So did Jesus figuratively die for the sins of humanity?
The fuck?
Yes, the majority that believes human descended from two humans created by a god (one of dust and one of dust and rib) are "sane". Got it.
Thank you. After reading the NY Times article I returned here to say basically the same thing.
They're just heeding Jesus' word:
Yes, dismiss their faith. BTW what definition of religion are you using?
I agree with you, but the fiscal cliff drama is a manufactured distraction as well.
I'd say make a "God hates God" sign, but I don't want the universe to implode.
Yeah world, please don't forget the majority of us are Christian in-name-only. We turn the other cheek by attempting to silence others.
"heard the voice of God"
Insane isn't it? I just found out myself in the past week. Yes, everyone does - If everyone were to see the extreme lack of integrity of existing tax law, there would be riots. But "luckily "we have very smart people in power to prevent that. ;) And anyone with the knowledge to fix it gets Mr. Smith Goes to…
The NFL is a non-profit too. ;)
Any non-profit is tax exempt - their religious affiliation is irrelevant.
Eternal life? :) Seriously... They honestly believe they are doing God's work and will be eternally rewarded.