
Since the browser is the focus, I'd like to see the test run on a Chromebook.

Steam support?

As alluded to in the picture, I can confirm this method works just as perfectly well when used to re-energize worn-out, lazy cats.

Agreed, Chrome tries to do too much at once. Even the New Tab Page has become molasses.

Alternative solution: Get a radio with a 3.5mm jack on the front of it and put Velcro (fuzzy side) on your phone and the rough patch on the dash. I used about a 3" x 2" rectangle.

Snarfblat, duh.


Checkout Office365 or the Zoho Suite to see if they'll meet your needs.

The results are in! "Paranoid delusional with thoughts of grandeur and a fetish for miniature horses."

Look at you clowns, thinking for yourselves instead of mindlessly following a random infographic. You should be ashamed.

Chromebook and/or native Linux app please. :(

I second this. Avoid this site at all costs. Eight hours later when you're still scrolling, you'll be sorry. :)

Too bad the people who are too retarded to drive are to retarded to use the internet to improve their being and will never read this regardless.

If you create an Excel file on your computer and someone hacks into your computer then the whole list is there for the picking.

Yes, Microsoft will have an absolute fit if they find this in a business environment. I wouldn't spend a millisecond worrying about it for home use though.
