
Thank you.


Strongly disagree with your sentencing opinion. Don't want to get into a drawn out argument, however, so I'll just vent a quick thought of my own.

Was just wondering where I saw it listed… knew it was either HBO or Netflix. Thanks for the heads-up.

BTW - are there actual changes to scenes in the DC, or is it just the comic book panels being inserted?

Southern Comfort — saw it years back… and I just remember it making me feel uncomfortable. Clearly worth a rewatch? Any points on what I should be looking for?

Like I said, college-me could only see the goofy-as-fuck gangs… I mean, mimes?? Baseball Furies facepaint? Roller skates? MIMES!?!?!?

What if David Lynch did it, and made it a complete mind-fuck? That gang of mimes wouldn't be so funny then!!!!

I know the director's cut gets a lot of flack… but I'll be honest, when I first saw The Warriors (probably in college around 2002), I couldn't get past how goofy the gangs were.

Yep… I knew 'Can you dig it!!!!' in it's many variations waaaay before I ever saw the movie.

Both of them are solid. But don't beat mine:

Yeah… grave makes more sense, as people toss roses on graves/coffins. So a dead person could be 'kissed' by a rose when it falls on them.

Good call… lovable goof who you wouldn't want to piss off in a dark alley.

Cotton Eyed Joe… fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Middle-school me practically got nauseous every time that would come on the radio, which was fucking 287 times a day.

I think we'd disagree with what a harsh enough penalty would be, so I'd leave it there.

Let me get this straight… Liberals are ok with cracking down on illegal immigration and gangs?

I don't trust Trump, and I don't want to come off as a blind fan of his… but I feel like there are mountains of evidence, and an Appalachian sized mountain chain of circumstantial evidence, that point to Hillary as one of the most evil, narcissistic politicians to worm her way into our system in a loooong time. Which

"just a narcissistic con artist"

I don't see it as a different subject, thus I wasn't trying to change it. Not sure what you're so angry about.

Googled a bit and couldn't find the damn FBI gang homicide stats, not that I doubt your approximations.