
Don't forget people who don't care for Apple or any of their products. I've used PC's my entire life and don't really ever see myself ever using and Apple product. I'm not saying Apple makes a bad product, because it seems like everybody I know has either an Ipod, Iphone or Ipad. I just don't like how they do

We've not had much luck with Siri at all, but she is fun to mess with. At the very least she can help you bury bodies.

We just drove from Ohio down to Myrtle Beach for vacation, and I was using my android phone with google maps for navigation. It was awesome until we got right into South Carolina and my phone died. I had it plugged in to the cigarette adaptor charging the entire time, but it must have been using more juice than it

To each their own I guess. I set up a series of WoW style real world quests for my girlfriend to do, and the final quest chain reward was the wedding ring. Sure it was cheesy as hell, but she enjoyed it and we got married and are living happily ever after.....who can argue with results? We also dressed up in game

I initially thought this as well, but the way he has it is actually correct. They are "nerdy climbing wall holds".

Because one of the major themes of most religions seems to be telling non believers that they are sinners and are going to hell because of what they are doing. It makes them look better in contrast.

This seems like a missed opportunity to hack the screens at Citi Field and stream some male gay porn. The looks on their faces would have been priceless. But seriously, I think we have bigger things than porn to worry about as a society....the shitty economy for example. Hmm, maybe there is a link to porn as to

It could have been worse, he could have used the word "where" in place of "were" like you did. Better luck next time?

You guys are slow!

The problem is that some people have to have cold water out of the refrigerator, so only having one bottle per person wouldn't work. Both my wife and son insist on needing colder water than comes out of the tap, so I have to keep refilling all the damned water bottles every day. On the other hand, I can just refill

My wife does this, though I don't think she uses the pockets. It drives me nuts, but such is life.

So eating Yogurt will turn me into a sparkly vampire with huge balls? I think I know what I'm eating later!

I'll underbid Cabs21 by a penny, just $0.99 per like! Just think of the savings! Act now while supplies last!

I guess I just can't relate to this whole subject, because I actually waited until I was 21 before I started drinking (crazy, I know!). Since all my friends were a year behind me, I ended up being their source for alcohol when they wanted to host a party and they still owe me about $120.....sigh.

So what stops people from making a fake Facebook account to go along with their fake ID? Seems like a no brainer to me.

The gas to which she was referring to was probably the butane and propane gas:

No worries. The author probably should have included that info in this article and the price, which is $460....ouch.

From the Gizmag link:

Since when? While I don't particularly like Windows Media Player, I've never had an issue with it not reading a DVD....unless you're trying to get it to read ripped copies of stuff and it doesn't have the right codecs.

The way this article is worded, it won't play music CD's either, since they would also be optical media.