
Contrary to popular belief, not all geeks are created equal.

It's possible that I just forgot about it. I may have used it and then hated it. I think I used Internet Explorer, then Opera, then Firefox, and now Chrome.

I've been a computer geek since forever (I'm 33 now) and I'll be honest and say I've never heard of him, never used Netscape and do not know what Mosaic is. *shrugs*

We paid a little over $1000 (including airfare to Vegas) for our entire wedding (photographer included). We did it in one of those little chapels they have all over Vegas, and it was actually a pretty nice looking place in all honestly. We would have had to pay more and gotten all of the pictures they took plus the

Well it's settled then, I'm going to Taco Bell today for lunch. I usually get a 7-layer burrito, double decker taco supreme and a nachos bell grande.....or I get one of the $5 box meals. Decisions decisions decisions.

Right, but anybody who comes to this site knows never to trust the title.

You may want to look up the word "stand-alone", because I don't think it means what you think it means.

You can refresh the page to get rid of it too, which is what I do.

When it pivots left and right it's hitting the Z and X planes. When it pivots up and down it's hitting the Y plane. Yes, apparently you did miss a couple days of math class..... :-P

I'm the same way; my nose is always stuffed and I almost never worry. My wife has a nose like a bloodhound and worries about everything. Very interesting indeed.

"I mean, I see how they did it. I just ain't gettin' the why." —Mal

It's sad that they had to pass a bill for this kind of thing. If an employer asks for your Facebook password, whoever came up with the idea should be fired immediately. I'm tired of seeing all these stupid laws pop up that should well be covered by common sense.

Oh! Is James Franco in cornrows singing a Selena Gomez song on my sadness scavenger hunt? Yes! [/Random 30 rock quote]

I think at that point the parents should be put at the bottom of a well.

I guess I'm going strictly from my own perspective because my wife prefers missionary over doggy style.

Okay, I just have to rant about hear me out.

It's funny how one person can watch a video and then fall in love with a song (me), then another person hates it to the point where he posts about how much he hates the music.

You don't need to have an internet connection to read the QR code do you? Pretty sure your scanner will still get the URL info, so you'd just have to wait until you got the signal to actually go to the site. I just don't understand all the QR code hate on Gizmodo lately. I actually like QR codes, because it saves

I'm pretty much always in the mood, so that's not usually an issue for me. Except for the middle of the night for some reason. If she tries to wake me up in the middle of the night because she's horny, nine times out of ten I'll just ignore her, roll over and try to go back to sleep.

"Have Men Really Stopped Liking Blowjobs?" No no no, a thousand times no!