I like how you think (I'm a programmer, so this would totally be easy).
I like how you think (I'm a programmer, so this would totally be easy).
Does anybody else think a $10,000 iTunes gift card isn't that great of a thing to win? I mean sure, I'd love to have some money to spend in the iTunes store, but $10,000 worth seems a bit overkill. I'd rather have a $10,000 Visa.
That atm scene was pretty hilarious. Too bad everybody found out that he lied about doing it.
I don't know if this is of any interest to you, but I'm a college student studying computer programming. I was thinking maybe I could design a program for you to help you keep track of your ClassRealm system....if you were interested. You said at one point that it was a pain to keep track of all of the points your…
I'd have to see a video to truly be impressed, but the idea seems pretty cool.
I'd much rather have the point of view gun. But seriously, was anybody else thinking about the device that they used in the TV show Alias that negated all sound in a given radius with some special tech?
"Like an accused bank robber from Atlanta, Georgia, whose failed bank robbery..."
They aren't hard to clean, but it is time consuming at best.
Because I don't want my birthday being on a Monday for the rest of my life.
Eve just needs a $5 wrench to solve that math problem.
The wikipedia article for squid says they do. But take that for what it's worth.
No, this is what happens when your foot clips a rock laying on a mountain at 120MPH. If you hit a mountain at 120MPH you'd pretty much die instantly. But all joking aside......ouch. I don't have the balls for doing extreme sports, so my hat is off to you sir. I hope you have a speedy recovery so you can continue…
We are assuming he didn't already have kids though.
Shortly after he got into prison, Bubba was tasked with plugging the back-door vulnerability that Mangham had.
I don't think she'd have an issue finding the long pieces, if you know what I mean.
I guess I just assumed everybody migrated from bar soap to liquid soap w/ body sponges. People still uses bars of soap? Weird.
Very interesting technology.
There seems to be some sort of sub-space interference captain. Have you tried turning your communication badge off, then back on again?