
Okay, it appears to be a pig from what davidr521 said below. I thought it was a babies leg, and was trying to figure out what the little wings were. Nothing to see here!

Haha, perfect picture for this article. Well done.

Not so great for jobs though, since by using this machine, they only require half as many hands. Shitty job or not, it's still a job that paid money that is now being done by a machine.

If it's just the actual sperm that are being effected, then decreased phone use will mean any new sperm should probably be okay. I did a little research, and it said that it takes 2 and a half months for sperm to mature. So if you want to get your girlfriend/wife pregnant, just cut back on your cell phone use 2 and

I know economic times are hard, and maybe I'm just lazy, but I just buy a new tube of toothpaste when mine is running low. Then I throw my old one out when it gets to the point where I have to start trying to coax the last bits out. Also, while this idea is clever, I think it looks very ugly. It reminds me of the

My mouse likes to slide off my tray a lot, so having a cord has saved it from certain doom many times by wrapping the cord around something. I also don't like the idea of my batteries running out in the middle of a game.....but to each their own!

"Yo Momma so fat, she sat on the Gresso Extreme X3 phone and flattened it!"

Use one of these, problem solved.

If your family and clients have that much of an issue with curse words, they should probably just stay off the internet entirely.

I really wish they'd just make the app available on the android market, unless it's hiding somewhere that I don't know about. SlideIT works just as well, so I suppose it really doesn't matter in the end.

Wouldn't this also hinder your ability to dial 911? That's the only problem with this solution. If something bad did happen while the cell towers were out, the only way to make a call to 911 would be a land line.

M: "James, why did you detonate the C-4 while 006 was still holding the explosives in his hands?"

I think Jesus beat you to it back in November.


It all depends on the situation really. I wouldn't typically try to talk to somebody who had earbuds in, as I'm sure they would rather listen to their music. If I'm trying to hold a conversation with them, yes it would be rude for them not to take them out. But if I'm just asking them a yes or no question, if they

There was a similar post i saw on Facebook the other day, I'll repost the info:

I love that movie. It had it's sad parts, but it had a great story.

Not to be a grammar Nazi, but that last paragraph has an issue.

What, birthday presents a couple of days early don't count? It's the thought that counts.

My birthday is November 7th, best birthday present ever!