
Unfortunately, I'm in Ohio. A bit far from a rope class in SF. They were in Vegas when we went on vacation this April, but we never did get tickets.

If you don't happen to have an iPad and still want to learn how to tie various knots, I recommend this site. They have a ton of free videos.

Saw this on Think Geek a week or so ago. Seems handy if you happen to have a lot of water balloons to tie.

I'm still waiting for them to port this one over to the Android market. *taps foot*

The game looks and sounds nothing like Angry Birds, but it is a very cute video.

I recently lost my Droid in Vegas. I'm not 100% sure what happened, but I think I either left it in a cab or it got stolen. I had one of the apps installed that lets you track it, but it did not work when I tried it. We called Verizon the next day and they suspended the account until we got back home. I now have

Okay, I must have gone through the metal detectors both ways then. The wife and I just went from Columbus to Vegas and back. I was ready for a good pat down too.

What's the difference between the metal detector and the new full body scanners, procedure wise? Do you just walk through the body scanners like normal or do you have to stand still while it scans you? I'm asking because I just went on vacation back in march and was trying to figure out if I went through one of

Rarely does anybody respond to my posts, and I would rarely get other people sending me messages. That being said, I'm a straight guy and I stalked my wife through one of the dating sites after meeting her initially at a get-together with friends. She initially didn't want to have anything to do with me, but I

It would drive me crazy with my phone screen being off centered like that. But maybe the pot would make me not care, who knows.

For some reason, she likes the fact that they look evil. So even if they aren't hypoallergenic, she'll probably suffer just so she can have an evil cat. I'm doomed.

Can they please release a study saying that there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic cat as well? That way my wife will stop wanting one of those fugly hairless cats.

My old home screen replacement had a feature built into it that allowed you to turn the camera button into a screen capture button. Mind you, I always forgot about it, and ended up with a few hundred pictures of my home screen saved into the pictures folder.....but that's beside the point.

Oh, right. I forgot about that part. You're right. I think that's even worse to a degree though. It's kinda like how you can buy cold beer from a drive-thru, but you're not allowed to drink it until you get home. Just a big tease!

Yay Ohio. Sparklers rock! *grumbles*. Luckily, all of our neighboring states have the good stuff.

I like your line of thinking (and so does Dilbert) :)

I can't stand them either, but my new phone has no physical keyboard, so you learn to make due (I'm currently using SlideIT right now). The best physical keyboard I've used so far is the one from the EnV line of phones. My last phone, the original Droid, had possibly the worst physical keyboard I've ever seen.

There are plenty of assholes here in Ohio too, trust me.