
@Star Vixen: I live in Ohio, and I was under the impression that we had to go to Kentucky or Indiana to get the good stuff. But then again, I've never been one to buy fireworks, so who knows.

@ddhboy: I still use my yahoo mail for when I don't want to give out my main email address to somebody. I.E. Yahoo is my spam mail account. So it is useful for something at least.

What would I do with a million dollars? 3 buildings at the same time.

A lot of smaller businesses still advertise via the yellow pages because it's cheaper than advertising anywhere else. My father owns a business, and his business has an ad in the yellow pages.

@Paper-Cut: A better question would be: Why the hell aren't there spaces between the god damned buttons. I'm tired of my fat fingers hitting the key next to the one I'm actually trying to type. They need to put the keypad from the enV on that sucker, it was a far superior keyboard then the current Droids.