Mr Multiverse

Not posting a link because some people get uppity about full frontal male nudity, but there's a brilliant Graham Chapman' bits and pieces scene in Monty Python's Life of Brian. "You are all individuals!" "Yes! We are all individuals!"

Not when I'm done with it.

AFTER? Fuck that garbage. Always before. Getting her off afterwards is like long division homework. You get that shit done Friday night so you have all weekend to party. Everyone wins.

Can't wait till they give that cord an extension.

Huh? Marvel had to subpoena them in a federal court and get a court order to get them turn over data. I'm not sure how 'following the laws of the land that you're doing business in' is being an extension of the government. It's not like Google just voluntarily handed over the data.

This Battle of the Five Armies sure sounds like it's going to be the war to end all wars for Middle Earth. After that's done with, it will surely be smooth sailing to the end of time.

I better not end up crying over a robot movie...though I may have already been desensitized by crying over movie reboots.

Not Yet

Or perhaps out of Kazakhstan, greatest country in the world;

Don't worry, since your understanding of statistics runs along the line of a single isolated incident correlates directly to you, you will already be dead from ebola by the time it's out.

they are saving money on physical discs, and having more time to work on things.

I was totally waiting for the boyfriend to shit his pants in that story.

But the ads are the best part!

There's a subset of AdBlock specifically FOR the Pirate Bay. I wouldn't venture near it without that, regular ABP, and of course my virus and malware scanners up to date and the firewall at max defense. You just never know.

Borque: [passes to Subban]

Can a plane's auto-pilot completely fly itself? No. Then is it auto-pilot? YES. Yes it is.

That's sort of like saying that driving is bullshit because you never know when some asshole is going to start dropping cinderblocks off an overpass.

That ship has sailed.

That is the explanation.