Mr Multiverse

I agree - typically not an option but if you have to ask for it because all you can find are autos it sort of makes it one. Being from Canada my favourite option I didn't think I would rely on is heated seats though! Great in winter and if you're back is sore on a long road trip throw it on - you'd be surprised how

Someones never seen Top Gun

Learning not to think.

I think you have an overinflated picture of MGS2's significance.

I forgot I had my cloud to butt Chrome add-in still activated and this confused me for a minute.

Well, doh... thanks!

The still for this video also demonstrates a tried and true way to garner more viewers.

Though I do give him props for not using an auto rifle.

I've decided I want the series to end with everyone...EVERYONE...dead except Sookie and LaFayette. And just before the last scene closes out, LaLa swings out a machete and takes Sookie's head off before saying, "Did y'all really think I'd take a chance with you? Hooker please." Then he walks off into the sunset.

Butty today with a 30% chance of rain.


What online game can you pause?

Destiny is online only. There is no offline mode, so you have to deal with people like this.

Cool fact! This guy? Yeah, he's THIS guy's dad.

You can safely Duck out of seeing this film without missing any major future teases.

It's not talking shit to say that old Who is hard to watch. It's stating a fact. Stop being so sensitive about it.

Just off screen: "Oh no, not again!" - Bowl of Petunias.
(I'm using that quote a surprising amount lately...)

The Patriots didn't need four QBs on the roster for the 2000 season, but hey, the fourth guy, some no-name rookie drafted in the sixth round, turned out alright in the end.

Nobody is going to read your angry extremely long opinion of the game. Just don't play it, nobody cares.

Pre-ordering from Amazon costs exactly $0 and you can cancel at any point before it ships if you decide the game sucks or you don't want to buy it anymore. Not sure why everyone hates on it. Yea sure, spending $5 to pre-order or paying it off before it comes out is stupid and from 1996, but who lives in that time