Mr Multiverse

Watkins was matched up against defensive coach Ray Ellis. Ellis had just minutes before put his clipboard down on the turf in hopes of throwing off the rookie WR. So yes, Watkins was tripping on the Ellis D.

I'm glad you're not running Marvel Studios! Other than Iron Man 2, I'm more than satisfied. Iron Man 3 was the best of the bunch. And probably a typo, but the actors name is Terrence Howard, and in my opinion, can't even compete with Cheadle.

Yes, hot hitting criticism from someone that can't be assed to type out words like "are" and "you".

This is the Mii News for the 21st of July, 2014. This is a story that not everybody will find appealing. Today it was confirmed that the Xbox One version of Bungie's upcoming sensation Destiny runs at 1080P. One of the first witnesses to the news had this to say: "This is horrible. How could something like this

It's one of dozens of people copy and pasting the image with their own predictions, hoping to be right. One of them was.

Shut up, you. That was an amazing moment, and the announcers losing their shit is totally justified.

If you had any idea what was going on you'd know it was pretty fuckin' amazing.

I was yelling at my screen when that happened. Fucking well played.

Favorite scene: In game 2 when Silencer (EG Zai) was kiting Void @ Dire bottom lane and did not die at all

14 min gg! I hope they win early so I can watch DK vs EG before i go to work ><

Why? She's allowed to have her opinion, even if you don't like it. It's not like she's the presiding judge in his trial or something. Why would you rather talk about that than the notion of consent?

Well, no, the example works fine here, since before asking Netflix to pay, Verizon and Comcast asked Level 3 and Cogent to pay since the existing ports became saturated and the transfers between parties were out of ratio, per existing agreements. Level 3 and Cogent are Tier-1 backbone companies, and that's not

I'll pay someone $3.52 and two things of Chick-Fil-A Honey Mustard to distill mine down so Tim can read it.

Anyone complaining how they got through can get bent. Fuck it they drew the toughest group. Beat a longstanding hurdle, came within seconds of a great victory and appeared to be running on fumes in this game and still gave a great effort. Fuck all the haters about backing in. They made it. In the words of Ice Cube:

Whoa whoa whoa, can I get tits on my newspaper's front page???

Ah, but if the US and Germany tie, we'll be on 5 points and Portugal (if they win) on 4. So we'd go through even if Portugal won 100-0. The tiebreaker becomes relevant only if we lose, and hence give up at least one goal in the goal difference tiebreaker. So Portugal would have to score 4 (though if we scored 2 in a

No no. An entire empire made of furniture?!? What a silly premise.

Yeah. Say what you will about Arsenal, at least they're always in 4th place. Seriously. Like, they now have squatter's rights there.