Mr Multiverse

Fuck. That was his money-wiring arm.

If they made a car that was a BMW, but when the gas was on "E" it turned into a Chevy and drove for an extra 100miles it would be a nice feature to have, especially as an option that costs $0.

Amen. One of my coworkers bought the "clunky" 720p model, and even that I thought was great. Definitely needed work, but great nonetheless (when people who are afraid of heights in RL put on the Oculus and have to take it off since they feel the same fear, you know it has an effect...could feel my body trying to shift

I am not denying the hype and advancement of technology it has been, I am excited to try one out myself. That's why for gaming I see this as a pretty cool thing, but even then it will be a niche item somewhere along the lines of say... an Nvidia Titan card, or even an Nvidia 780 or Nvidia Shield.


Actually it was I, Dio, who rigged the steam summer sales!!

You missed one:

They'll just paste his head on someone else's body. Problem solved.

yeah, hardcore soccer fans are a miserable lot. Before the World Cup, there was no way that the US would advance. When it looked like it was all in the bag and shit didn't work out, suddenly the world has ended.

RIP in peace

Instead of getting rid of it, why don't we find it a new home?

I thought Ochoa was great, truly, and that performance alone probably has him in the running already for the team of the tournament. That said, the Neymar header aside, all the shots were right at him. Normally when a keeper pulls off a great save he spits in his gloves and gives a look that says "business as usual


The head to head contact cured Müller's jaw injury instantly however so that was kind of Pepe.

You're right. If the ball touches anyone—better yet, ANYTHING—on the way to the net, than it's not a worthy goal.

"... And the lord Stanley said, let us unplug thy air hockey table, and push this series to game 5."

Not only that, but I could easily see them giving up 10-12 goals across the group matches.

That team would result in a 10-man slap fight while the 11th scored some kind of ridiculous bicycle kick from midfield. And after typing that, I agree: that team would be awesome.