Mr Multiverse

Yes. Plus the fact that school/university starts up in September.

The increase in August is likely due to The International happening, and people were able to watch various games through the client.

That set you linked is only $12 though, and while I think that is a more appropriate price point, I agree that that’s not really a set either.

“Whole Lego set” is a bit disingenuous. The Portal Lego pack has 85 pieces at $30. That is not a traditional Lego set, that’s a tiny scene and a couple multi-brick characters.

I understand that, but people aren’t buying these things for the Lego sets, they’re buying it for the added gameplay capability.

While the adage of “the book was better!” is a tired one, its absolutely true in this case, and the series remains one of my all-time favorites. Its only 3 books long, but there’s enough in there to make you feel like it was 6.

That GTA5 paradigm works, because GTA5 is a full countless-hour game by itself, not even considering online, all for $60.

Tell me you’ve read the book by now (and the rest of the series)!

I’m 64% sure that’s what it is

If I wasn’t lazy, I’d do it myself. Alas...

I feel like if it had been exclusively a Pats thing, enough other teams would’ve complained and it would’ve been looked into. But since its a widespread thing, everyone sort of has that “yeah, it happens to us too, in other places,” and that’s the end of it.

Add this:

Unfortunately, I-70 is one of the roads that’s easy to speed on. While it is only 2 lanes, the road itself is mostly straight and whatever curves is has are long and shallow. Typical traffic routinely hits 80, and people pass even faster than that.

Uh, no? This isn’t an official game mode, first of all, and its will only be available as a custom game capability, which allows other people to create whatever game type they want.

You largely underestimate the undead market

People have been dying for Halo Wars 2...

Yes, if you own them for 360, you’d obviously be able to play them with BC.

No speculation about it, that’s exactly the reason. They dressed it up with a special game mode for a limited time, but that was the reason for it all.

I have to assume you can’t stream gameplay while someone else is using the Xbox for another purpose (say, TV watching), correct?