Mr Multiverse

What makes this one better than the raft of < $50 ones that are available?

What makes this one better than the raft of < $50 ones that are available?

The only real reason I could see is if the municipality developed in such a way to severely undercut the existing providers, but I don't see that happening. Plus, that would apply more to smaller ISPs and not the ISPs that actively lobbied to get the restriction in the first place.

I want ragdoll physics, for the hilarity.

Color is nice but that black cheap-plastic-looking trim at the bottom does not go at all.

This year, Dota 2 is slated to upgrade to Source 2, which will allow for a raft of new stuff.

I see where you're going but I can't help you out. Development studios have this policy of making games for the most widespread and stable OS's.

Items are different. Instead of the 6 slots you get like in Dota, you get 6 "passive" Item slots, 2 Active item slots, and 2 Consumable slots. There's too many items for me to detail here, but items have what looks like an upgrade tree. The in-game builds are relatively useful, but don't provide text like Dota

As a Dota 2 player who also plays Smite, you may have a tactical advantage starting out over other newer players, simply because you understand the basic mechanics of a MOBA, but no, you won't roflstomp folks just because you played Dota (or League, or Hon, or HotS). The Smite-specific mechanics are too different to

Fuck the Rangers, but damn if I don't pull for Lundqvist if my teams aren't in it...

Pats fan, but damn if it doesn't tug the heartstrings to watch Carroll's reaction to his entire season being wiped out by an impossibly predictive undrafted rookie...

As a Patriots fan, when Kearse made that catch it was like a goddamn Vietnam flashback (kidding, but you get the point). Same stadium, same kind of absurd miracle catch, and there's no way they don't score with Lynch, Matthews, and Kearse doing business all day.

I had no horse in that race, but man, I felt that.

How refreshing.

Well, go on, save the rest of us the trouble...

The difference is your house is private property owned by you (or a bank, but that's splitting hairs). A car, while it may be owned by you, is driving on a public highway, typically funded by federal dollars.

12 balls for each team's offense, and 12 kicking balls shared by both teams, I believe.

And I've done my good deed for the day, so I may as well pack it in and go to bed.

Protect American government, not industry. At least not as priority.

Somehow I knew as soon as I saw this live that it'd make Screengrabber.