Mr Multiverse

Which inevitably gets withdrawn in the end.

That monitor looks wonderful for the price, but its nearly unanimous in the reviews that the glare is too much, even despite an anti-glare coating.

Old gear? You're gonna need to sell your car and get a second mortgage to pay for a 4k 120Hz monitor...

I know this article is ancient by Internet-time, so forgive my brief stint into necromancy.

Seems a bit of a similar take to Rogue Legacy, which I liked. I'll have to check this out.

On the contrary, the Browns were doing better in the early part of the season, before Gordon was reinstated.

I see your 1, and raise you 5

"Travelogue" is a word I do not encounter often enough, I've decided.

AH! Makes so much sense, thank you! I wasn't getting the part of syncing up to the music.

I don't get it just because they're trying to sync up or what?

Bonus points if they have to stay in full pads and use the goalie stick.

That's a fair assessment, I should probably give it a try again anyhow.

I agree that it makes sense to use to current generation as comparison, but "historic" records are also important.

Rights sharing would indeed be beneficial, I see what you're saying.

If SONY sold the rights back to Marvel/Disney, they have to be fairly confident that they'd not be able to make whatever they sold for within 10 years or so. Spiderman 3 currently sits at #32 in the all-time worldwide box office gross (, while The Avengers and Iron Man 3 are the

I know its a joke, but its such a shitty joke. SONY has no conceivable reason to be holding on to Star Wars scripts...

Its not "bad blood," its pure revenue. Spiderman is a big IP right now, and there's no reason for SONY to give it up.

If you're buying a multiplayer-oriented game on the promise and desire of offline mode...I don't know what to tell you.

No, the complaint is that a number of people are flipping their shit because they thing Nightfall/Weekly Strikes are now permanently locked behind the DLC paywall, when in fact its just the first week featuring the DLC strike. Next week it'll all be back, with the exception of the top-end Strike playlist.