Mr Multiverse

Cap 3 comes out a year earlier and sounds like the plot already builds on AoU. How does Thor 3 kick of Phase 3, or did I miss something?

That could be explained by the computers realizing that they'd entered the 'no-holds-barred' territory, and were perfectly willing to lose a fraction of the minds (the people that would witness the unreal actions and then rejected it, thus "waking up") in order to preserve the stability of the entire system.

$2.95 in Laurel, MD (halfway between Baltimore and DC). A month ago I swear it was $3.79.

Oh, oh, right, I remember that. My mistake.

TR's been on PC for a while now...

HBO + Netflix + Hulu + Amazon Prime = $55/month

I don't like the wording of "But if they have a special function that can be used the same way that TPB's search function is used..." Its not a "special" search function: Google literally scrapes the html of the webpage in reference, looks for a tag with "search" as a property, and if it finds it, injects a basic

I wouldn't dream of hopping on there without AdBlock...

Google is not linking to any torrent files, just webpages. If the webpages happen to link to torrent files, that's not Google's problem.

So, by your first line, Google does not, in fact, have a custom search just for The Pirate Bay...Google has a custom search for any webpage that contains a search field.

Destiny, though that's been relegated to "daily MMO check-in" status in favor of Shadow of Mordor because, holy Christ, that's a fun game, though I worry it'll be short-lived as it seems relatively easy.

Bubble is weak to void, so a Nova Bomb will take it out (and if you have the lasting AOE damage, usually kills anyone inside). Two Golden Gun hits will also take it out.

Its the only reason I rolled an Awoken male over Human.

Looking at the score, you can see he gets +320 after its all done, which is 3 kills (+100 each) plus 2 head shots (+10 each). Its likely the third was finished off with explosive damage that the bullet provided.

The Lipton Dip

So if I get this right, Amazon has the standard BluRay version for $22, and Best Buy has the 3D-BluRay Steelbook for just $5 more? Or is Amazon's version also 3D?

If you get disconnected or somehow kicked out of a mission with engrams on the ground, the Postmaster in the tower will have them for you, I believe.

I just end up running in after I've exhausted all of my ammo, everyone ends up following. By that point there's usually 8 or so engrams dropped, and sometimes I can't pick them all up due to inventory.

You can't really beat preordering at a discount, though. I must confess I'm holding out for an Xbox One version, where I believe I'll be able to play a demo first.