Mr Multiverse

No problem, bud!

You have to input the code during the checkout process, it drops the price to $37.50 for me.

It sounds like you don't exactly understand how the loans work behind the scenes.

Aw, I miss those commercials

Past level 20, you don't "level" anymore. That is, Level XP is finished, the only thing it works for now is upgrading your equipment.

"Is it bad to see myself?"
"Yes, could be catastrophic."
"Then why am I still here?"
"I was still talking, I needed a nodder."

Capaldi's Doctor is brilliantly written in the banter department, I'd even go so far as to say better than the others, but the season is still young.

I read a strange opinion (honestly read like someone had one too many puffs before typing it up, but it made me think nonetheless) that basically equated the auditory hallucination aspect of it to the multi-threading capabilities in modern CPUs, such that a brain is capable of not only understanding multiple streams

Or even less, if the government keeps that EV tax credit going.

Megafactory doesn't quite have the scope and grandeur of what Musk was going for :)

Business-wise, it makes more sense for the team to keep Griffin (assuming he can recover from this; boy, I feel like that statement's been said a lot) and then trade away Cousins for some good picks.

MMO's are traditionally classified by shared/persistent worlds. While Destiny doesn't quite live up to the "massively" multiplayer bit, it most certainly has a shared world that persists while you, as an individual, are offline.

Eh, you get by. From what I remember last year, there's sometimes two early CBS/FOX games, and one or two CBS/FOX games in the afternoon, depending on the conflicts with Redskins and Ravens.

The only realistic thing you can do to completely eliminate weight cuts (and the rebound) is to not have the fights announced, have the weigh-ins within hours of the fight, and then assign the fights based on who's in what category.

I feel the "recreational" adjective is more to denote that it's not, say, a commercial airline or cargo/military plane, especially flying over DC.

And its still the fault of the developer because they didn't include the required libraries/prerequisites to run. If a game requires DX9, then it damn well better come with a DX9 installer. If it didn't, then its the developer's fault for not including it in the game install, platform be damned.

Still isn't Valve's fault, that'd be the fault of the game developer, who had advertised their game to run on Mac.

Not enough buttfumble :(

So all of that ContentID inclusion they had a couple weeks ago was not related to "getting up to YouTube's level?"

Gesture parry was confirmed fake on the reddit post, he edited the curved greatsword swing.