Mr Multiverse

Its the worst!

Still my favorite DS gif

Usually the Recommended Specs are the "worst best" dev PCs that the devs use to test/run on. By "worst best" I mean the game will run at ~80% of the max settings.

You realize you can launch directly to the desktop interface with 8.1 now, right?

It depends if the campaign is made well (Halo).

I liked the combat simply because its so different. It doesn't follow the "I target this baddie, I hit an ability hotkey (or just right click), and the attack magically happens." I like the fact that you have to aim and you can somewhat realistically dodge; it makes you more invested in the combat instead of just

My personal opinion is that when they said "feels like Skyrim" they meant the combat, because that is probably the single biggest thing that stands out between Skyrim and just about every other RPG/MMO out there right now.

I'm not arguing that they should or shouldn't, I'm just saying there's precedent in most modern MMOs for this, which OP was under the assumption that the concept is outrageous.

Nah, bud, you get over yourself. Time-based actions are a staple of modern MMOs, it allows for the game to give reasons to keep checking in and feel like you as the player can do something that doesn't require dumping multiple hours at a time, while (in the case of WoW) also serving as to not flood the in-game market

So, I assume you've never ever heard of EVE Online and how the skills in that game work? Or how some of the epic crafted items in WoW have a day (or more) cooldown? Go forbid you have to play a game that doesn't constantly give immediate gratification...

Chribba, of course :)

Its alright, all of the stuff he's writing is based on a pretty solid foundation (as transcribed by The Mittani, basically the #2 most known/respected EVE player currently), so I would imagine it'd be difficult for him to ruin.

Re: Dota 2 heroes, tell them to shut it. Every hero can be played at a "pro" level, provided you have a solid team composition (i.e., don't pick a carry when the team already has 2 or 3). Play smart, and enjoy the game, even if it sucks when you're starting a brand new hero and royally screw up. That's how you learn,

Yeah, I got that too, but that's more of a Microsoft promotion and not a game promotion. Also you only get it once :p

Yeah, I'm realizing that. I was hoping that with MS (and Sony, to an extent) trying to push their digital marketplace, they'd offer competing deals or something.

I just mean, I can buy a physical copy of Titanfall with anywhere from $10 to $35 in various credit, but a digital copy is gonna be the full $60, for (probably) quite a long time, longer even than the physical price remains at $60, I'd wager.

So I'll admit, I only peruse these listings when an item in the headline grabs my interest, but is my understanding correct in that we rarely, if ever, see any sort of pre-order deals or extra content for next-gen digital downloads?

Except for two things. (A) by being #1 publisher on PS4, they've made more money than any other publisher on the PS4. (B) MS gave them (probably) a literal boatload of cash to keep Titanfall on XB1/360/PC, and it had to be a convincing amount, so its safe to speculate its enough to cover at least 80% of projected PS4

So, considering MS gave them a boatload of cash, they're still #1, and also rolling in the dough...