Mr Multiverse

Pardon my ignorance, but is this an actual problem in current MMOs?

This is pretty damn awesome, but I couldn't help but notice some weird mouth stuff on Matt Smith at around 3:20 "...anything you want to say..."

It, like Communism, is a good system in theory, but, like Communism, isn't always carried out in the best manner.

That's interesting, because this one started out as approved. Maybe they changed it recently and you need more than one approval to have the status permanent?

I'm not saying the system is perfect, or even one of the best to use, I'm simply explaining how it works to the best of my ability.

I agree, that does suck, but I also think it makes sense. Being a worthy commentor on, say, Kotaku, does not mean you're a good commentor who has tons of valuable insights on, say, Jezebel.

Are they "root" comments, or are they replies to other comments? I've found that to be the only discrepancy between retaining approval status: usually if its a root comment and gets approved by an author/editor, you'll be approved throughout the entire site (note: just the site the article is on. Getting approved in a

And yet you're not now! :)

The grey/approved status is per site, so getting approval on Gawker doesn't give you approval on io9, for example. This also stands true for the numerous user-created blogs: your status is per-blog.

Kotaku's (and all of Gawker's) comment process is just fine:

No love for "App-a-lay-she-an" which is how I was taught in school? (FL)

That game is literally the cancer of th- wait, that was actually pretty interesting. Cheers for the link.

People like you are the cancer of the gaming community.

David Chang is actually Korean, in case you didn't know.

FYI, "whatever happened" is that IceFrog and Eul, two of the three developers of the original mod, were hired by Valve to work on DotA 2 (the third, Guinsoo, works for LoL, I believe).


Who did?

Can this finally be the year?

And, had he run Tomlin over, the flag would've absolutely been thrown at the time, and/or possibly the TD awarded (not sure on those rules or if he would've been considered TD-eligible had Tomlin not been there at all).

OK, that's good to know. What about partial backups, or just simply saying "move this game's data, and that's it?"

OK, that's good to know. What about partial backups, or just simply saying "move this game's data, and that's it?"