Mr Multiverse

The quote does say it uses infrared, so I'd assume that's what's happening. I'd kinda forgotten about the HDMI feature though, I wonder if there are plans for that.

Thanks, definitely looking into this.

Entirely possible. That could also be explained by Totilo not pronouncing it "correctly" according to the Kinect.

I dig that media bar, can you provide more details (what is it, what's in it, etc)?

Heh, yes, who would've thought the best universal remote would end up being your voice.

Alright, I could see that working.

It doesn't channel switch over HDMI, the Kinect sends out an IR burst:

Trying too hard, its doesn't even make sense now.

I definitely see its usefulness to track/mark progression through a show, and use that to show/compare to friends. Someone else had mentioned using achievements for each episode of a show as a measure of communication between friends so you know where the other is and don't accidentally spoil something.

Eh, that's why you just stick to "[Show Title] - Season [x] - Episode [y]" and not have to worry about it.

Users can set the One Guide to match their cable provider, can navigate it by voice or controller, winnow the guide down to a user's favorite channels (and supported streaming services, if you'd like). The order of voice operations here would be something like saying, "Xbox, what's on National Geographic?"... the

I..ummm..who is that? I need to know...for reasons.

'zat you, Emmitt Smith?

I dunno, I think it sets them apart. Pretentious? Maybe. Unique and unmistakable? Absolutely.

Amazon usually has their deals on either (or both) Black Friday and Cyber Monday (the following Monday). I think they have theirs on Friday so they can compete with the physical stores, but they may not be as good.

DON'T!!!! Don't buy anything now, wait until Black Friday and look online.

Interesting question: is the PS4's default HDD formatted in any proprietary sort of way, that would, for example, prevent transfer of data to a different drive? I mean for people who max out their drive at some point and decide to get a bigger one, or those who do spring for an SSD after some games/save files have

Interesting question: is the PS4's default HDD formatted in any proprietary sort of way, that would, for example,

France has a sizable stick up its collective butt about Google the past decade or so, so its likely they weren't even bought off, and are just French.

I don't like what the guy did, not a bit. Its gross and perverted.