I do wonder how I'll feel whenever I decide to get another dog. It seems to help most people.
I do wonder how I'll feel whenever I decide to get another dog. It seems to help most people.
Sounds perfect :)
I'm so sorry for your loss... What is the tattoo going to be???
Aw no... I'm so sorry :( Yeah, that's the hardest part. When your dog is just physically not there anymore and never will be again...
Thank you. That helps.
I'm pretty liberal but totally admit to enjoying shooting guns for target practice. I only really shoot rifles but my dad gave me a handgun to try this past fall and it felt so strange. The kickback was stronger than I anticipated but it may have also had something to do with handguns being used more for shooting…
It's been a month since I had to put my dog down and every time I think I'm okay, I have a mini meltdown. I'll be "okay" and then...
She would get bear hugs from Millie on the regular! I <3 BC
I'm getting Skyla inserted on Wednesday so I'm also curious about the answers to your questions.
I was encountering painful sex with the last few guys I slept with and none of the relationships lasted very long due to the sex and other things. So I cried about it with my OBGYN and she then said "Okay, let's do an exercise together." She essentially put her fingers inside me and was like "You're clenching in…
WTF? This... Seems ridiculous. Any legal experts out there who can weigh in on what exactly the problem is here? Feyoncé seems fair game to me.
Self-care is #1. You do you.
They are so cute… Like. When are they actually going to get together as a real couple?
This is bad. No matter how you slice it.
Anyone else catch Erykah Badu?
You've gotta be shittin' me.
I'm with you. I hated chihuahuas until I got one and I just love him and his silly breed.
I fucking love swearing :) It makes me feel most alive and authentic at times.
Yes, this one is GOOD. He also kind of looks like her.
Amazing! She was so thrown off at first but I could tell she smiling a big smile once she realized what was happening. Adorable.