
I follow the SPCA on FB where I got my guy (formerly a kill and now no longer is) and their FB page is the reason why they are able to adopt out so many animals each week. They are constantly posting photos of animals who need homes and the comments blow up with "I'm on my way for that sweet lab!" and "Is the beagle

I agree. As painful as it was, it reinforced that I will always adopt. Always.

She looks a little like my childhood cat! Damn, she looks comfy.

I thought I was stronger than I actually was… I had a nightmare about it last night. :(

I lost it at the dog wrapped in the blanket. LOST IT.

Oh my goodness! Do you know what her breed/mix is? She looks like a boxer/mastiff beauty.

:) Thats so sweet!

Yeah, I heard that gas chambers are being phased out which is somewhat of a relief.

This afternoon I watched the HBO documentary One Nation Under Dog and I really and truly regret it as a dog-owner and lover. Has anyone else seen it? If you're an animal lover who already supports adoption DO NOT WATCH IT.


Telling people you feel light-headed and nauseous so you have to leave, when it's really because you have explosive diarrhea.

Oh wow. Here are my thoughts.

Hey there! I'm 31 and only realized that I'm probably bi/pan sexual a few years ago. It's okay to question and not know right away. If you find yourself being attracted to other ladies, then this is something worth exploring. I've never actually dated another woman but I have had some major crushes on other women.

Thanks for weighing in! That's so true. I tend to talk about the dog or my bike rides when I don't want to focus on anything else. It definitely helps :)

It's all in the body language and the "I don't know what to tell you" responses. I'm sure I'm also being hard on myself but it feels shitty to never have any good updates in that part of my life. So I distance myself so I don't feel so shitty.

People are idiots… I'm sorry you had to deal with that :(

1) Tries to make changes in professional life with job search.

Hm… It could be a size issue. Or you can try the "dainty" chucks. I just bought those and they're more comfortable than the originals. They're less clunky, look really great with skinny jeans, and feel more lightweight.

I stomp around this city in my Chuck Taylors all the time. They're stylish and comfy! Also, you won't scream "tourist" in these.