
I've definitely been there. I just get "busy all of the sudden with family obligations." I hate lying but sometimes I think it makes things easier for everyone involved. No hard feelings and I get to be my hermit self.

No hard feelings. Really. I appreciate that you were trying to be helpful. That shows that you're caring person :)

I get the sense that you need to "fix" problems rather than just listen to them. I don't mean to be dismissive of your advice or make assumptions about how you operate, but this isn't a problem I'm trying to fix. Just venting.

They are good friends for the most part. They know the truth. It just becomes exhausting to not have any "real updates." I am also becoming less of a phone person, so I'm sure that has something to do with it.

lol I loved this. Thank you!

Grrr. Sometimes even our closest friends say and do the dumbest shit.

lol This is very much how I feel.

Ugh, I'm sorry to hear that :( That's really discouraging.

I hear that… I wish there was some universal/non-offensive code that we could use when we just really don't want to talk about something specific in our lives? Almost like an icon or a word?

I also have a dog and I am pretty sure I am THAT girl. lol He's the only thing that does anything interesting in my life!

Ugh, that is valid! No one should ever have to explain that situation on a continuous basis…

As soon as I see posts like that from "friends" on FB, I hide their posts. I'm a huge fan of filtering. I get to make my FB world in line with my ideal world in a way.

Yes, that's exactly it :)

Maybe others call "phone dates" just "catching up?"

I have no idea! I ask myself that same question every time I (over)use it.

George Clooney is so wonderful in it :)

Anyone else avoiding phone dates with friends because you literally have nothing new going on in your life? I love my friends, but it's starting to wear on me when we catch up and I'm like "Still single (which is a-okay with me). No new job prospects yet. Just living the same life that I've been living."

I'm also dealing with sick grossness! The Five Year Engagement is On Demand and for some reason I really love that movie. So is The Descendants. Both sort of depressing but moving for me.

Sometimes hyperlinks aren't as obvious as they should be :)