
I'll probably never like her music but I will always like her as a person. She's just awesome.

It makes me a little sad too... He has a lot of layers and depth which is hard to find these days. I also wonder if he disappeared because his friend lost his battle to cancer. Or if his other friend didn't survive that bike accident. He actually also got in a bike accident a week after our last date and he claimed he

When it's your dog who you know better than anyone else, it's not overreacting. You just know your dog best and know it's history!

Oh my... I love that you have a wee lil chihuahua and a pit. So cute! I have a jack russell/chihuahua mix and he's adorable but comes with all the neurotic behavior of JRs and chihuahuas. He gets so distracted on walks and there are so many other dog-owners who just walk without observing what other dogs are doing.

Those dogs are so handsome! haha Yeah, I'm used to smaller hyper dogs but when bigger dogs are kinda nutty I don't really know what to do. I'm all like "Damn, you're cute but crazy!"

Thanks, it was :)

There's a new dog-owner on my block... This dog is clearly a rescue and she is clearly new at this. How do I know this? I was her five years ago. We just had a really awkward encounter.

I had a really amazing first date in July with my bike mechanic. We met up as he was closing his shop and then decided to ride along the Hudson in Manhattan (it's an amazing bike path). Anyway, within 5 minutes of the ride we discovered that he is 7 years younger than me, which was a major boner killer for me. We

And they look remarkably human when they fall off too! Or at least, that's what I looked like when I took surfing lessons.

Oh I like that! "Social justice bulldogs."

I started out in this field as a hall director :) Hello, friend. It makes me happy to see other student affairs professionals chiming in on Jezebel. Our visibility on Jez is important.

Sex is complicated and it's dangerous to walk around assuming that ivy league students (or all college-aged students) should be smart enough to understand consent. Consent needs to be taught just like math, science, and literature.

I see your point. But we can't walk around assuming that people know what consent means.

I'm confused... You do understand what gender-neutral language is, right? This means that it could be a man and a woman. Two men. Two women. Cis or trans. It's hard to tell which is intentional.

I find the title of this article condescending... It's not "story time." It's consent 101 and we should be happy that institutions host programs such as this one (even if it is new). We have a mandatory program during orientation at my university that dives right into this and the last thing we need is people poking

This was a good one :)

That's definitely me!

I love Bill Cunningham! He's the main reason I visit the Times. He seems to always pull his bike over and/or lock it up as he stands on a corner to snap photos of people.

I've had countless cabs and buses that don't give a FUCK about my safety on my bike. It's very scary.

Yup. I'm well aware of this. That's why I ride in bike lanes, stop at lights, and use hand signals. Not all of us are assholes.