
"Love me all the way or get the fuck out." I love it.

Meeee tooo...

Yes! I think a soft grey would look really nice. I found another etsy seller who uses a grey background. I think it looks great.

It sounds cliche but I tell myself "This just means my person is still out there."

Cute stuff! And I really love your birdcage logo.

This happened to me a few weeks ago. This guy pursued my BIG TIME for a while and then when I finally got comfortable things changed drastically. I spent the night, we fooled around, then the next morning it was like I was non-existent. Like you, I was thought to myself "Okay, I can take a hint" but it still doesn't

I support the twee romcom-trailer music! Gah!

Sometimes (just sometimes) this is my dog. So... He's not allowed to participate in this lovely holiday.

Me - Every single time those USELESS promos come on!

I wasn't allowed to watch it as a kid so I started watching reruns in college and got hooked. You can take 99% of the dialogue and use it in modern society and it still totally works!

Friend advice :-) I just love Dan Conner.

Okay, dually noted! It was a nice day for it, glad you had fun :)

No Dan Conner?????

I've been wanting to go! I think there's another one later this summer, right? Was it super crowded?

When I was little I was terrified of thunderstorms, so my dad said "It's just the angels bowling up in the sky! Let's cheer them on. (rumbling starts) Alright, a ball is going down the lane.. Aaaannd (clap of thunder and lightening) STRIKE! Man, that was great!" I thought it was so much fun and we'd all laugh and clap

I had the same thought! WTF I was about to have a total tearfest over here.

Is nothing sacred anymore in this digital world? Can't people just have a hook-up and file it away in their brains without it becoming other people's business? I don't like this.

Puppy prozac? I'm definitely looking into this.

Oh god, that's awful! I'd be fucking piiiissed if anyone impounded my dog as if he was a stray. Fuck, he WAS a stray. That's how the SPCA found him and then I adopted him.

I think it's only for iPhones. Definitely smartphones. You can't really watch videos online unless someone shares a video that way.