
How in the fuck do you practice for a fishing tournament?

It’s seeing and reading about shit like this that reaffirms my decision long ago to never have any kids as the being right one. I’ve never even once regretted it.

Maybe he was just trying to qualify for the HOV lane as a motorcycle.

Wear your handle proudly, my man!

Uh, in this case, guns were not the problem. Former firefighter Johnny Mount was the problem.

Tahoe, you are the first person I’ve seen in years to use “piqued my interest” correctly, with no misspellings in a sentence.  Kudos to your teachers.

That would certainly be welcome.

Literally?  Seriously?

I wonder what they’re gonna name the one from Cadillac.

In the front, right behind the grille.

At least your guy has some form of propulsion.

Our.  Worst.  President.  Ever.

Your pun is sub dude today.

David, this could be another Moab odyssey candidate for you.

I didn’t know that Dianne Wiest was still around. I always admired her as an actress. I will look forward to this movie, not only because of that but it’s got Eastwood in it too.

You could do a lot worse, Kristen.  The answer isn’t necessarily always Miata.

This shit’s just silly.

You deserve more stars for that one.

Must be where all the space is.

Go steal something in Saudi and see what happens to you.