

Damn those “new internet comers, they put HashTag in everything!

Ooooooooor AsScoLly!

Well, i not even leave the 1080p, imagine 8K....

Now, get the pieces together and you will have the Trump Elected... Sorry, but 3 teacher don’t know what a clock is? Whoa...

Take it easy, teacher!

Fact: Clearly was a racist reason.. Done, i said!

Im still laughting because of this.

You tried man... You tried.

vagi.... forget...

When i see this notice, i came here waiting to see someone posting that “thing” on his nose.

I’m the only one who reads “thumbnail?

Oh god.. Dont make me spit my coffe!

Mrs. President what we gonna do???

Same that FRANK has said... Almost made me cry at work... Man, what a heart crushing history...

Oh my godness.... Hero fighter??? How long i dont hear about this game!!!

The best one:

A intergalact MacDonald’s!

they need to get to 2 Billions “equal” people on somewhere... Soo, why not moon?

Oh, capilar problems!